1 minute read

Southern California Retailers Form Ne*" Association

John \X/. Fisher Elected President

r At a meeting of the board of directors of the California ' - - Retail Lumbermen's Association in Bakersfield on March 18, the board approved the proposed plan of forming a new association in Southern California. The new association will replace the present groups as the representatives of Southern California lumbermen in the State Association.

The directors of the Southern Division of the State Asso_ ciation met in l-os Angeles on May 4, and after disposing of routine matters, adjourned sine die. They immediately reconvened as an organization committee and adopted a con- stitution and by-laws, setting up the Lumber Merchants Association (of Southern California), constituting themselves a temporary and first board of directors.

The initial board of directors consists of John F. Fisher, Santa Monica; C. E. Sones, El Centro; C. E. Bonestel, Ven_ tura; A. S. McAdams, Santa Barbara; M. E. Joslin, Ingle_ wood; Mel Coe, Compton; A. E. Fickling, Long Beach; Fred Chapin, San Bernardino; Glen Miner and Harry Whittmore, San Diego; Paul Hallingby, George Louns-

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