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Sato Oficc: 715 Vertern Paci6c Bldg., 10tl So. Broadway

Varehoure L. C. L Vholerale' 7O2 E. Slauson Ave. SAN FRAI{CISCO

Selec Ofice: 315 Monadnock Building


Seler O6ce: 908 Financid Center Building


Which Can Heiip You Seijij More Ijumber

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Find out about Wolmanized Lumber now. Leading lumber producers supply Wolmanized Lumber in straight or mixed carloads. For samples of signs and folders which help you to present the facts about Wobnanized Lumber to your prospects, write directly to AIr4EIICAI'I IIIMbrn a rnrarwc coMPAliff, 1648 Mccormick Building, Chicago. 'legirtered TradeMarl Los Anoeles: lO3l South Broadway, PRoepect 436O S"lr F "".i"."r 116 New MontgomeryStreet, SUtter 1225 THESE HEIJP YOU SEIJIJ

Ask ue lo send you samPles olihese new folders, which erplain the advantages of W6lmanized Lumber and tbe value ol a branded, depeadable material.

(Continued from Page 6) endless orange groves, and beautiful rural homes in the valleys below. As you drive northward from San Diego, every turn of the beautiful, broad highway, brings wonders to the eye. You look down hundreds of feet into bays that furnish a variety of rushing water, emerald here, turquoise there, purple over yonder, as fhe broad highway ttrrns and twists along the shore. You drive through towns nestling along the rocky coasts where artists gather from the entire world, just to sit, and look, and paint, and dream. La Jolla, Laguna, San Juan, and many others in succession. The air from the ocean is always cool. At night it is cold throughout this region. And always back of you are high hills, and mountains, and lovely, colorful homes. You go through whole towns where every building is of the same delightful shade of roof and wall.

In Hollywood there is romance. Beautiful hills on one side; green hills dotted with mansions of marvelous design, on the other. You can get to the cold waters of the beautiful beaches in a few minutes drive. you can get into the snow at Mt. Baldy and other mountain resorts in a single hour's drive. There are the studios, the beautiful homes, and all the amazing sights of that modern miracle that men call Hollywood. Going norfh from here you have a choice of broad highways and beautiful scenery. You can go up the coast, and seldom lose sight of the cold waters of the restless Pacific. Scenic is every foot of the way. No fat country. The sea on one side, the mountains on the other, and wonderful works of man everywhere. Gorgeous hotels and resorts, exquisite homeseverything architecturally attractive. Or you can go up the Valley Route, over the long Ridge into ..The Valtey of the Sunny San Joaquin." It's very warm, this trip. But you can branch off and go into the High Sierra, u/trere it is very cold, and where there are countless lakes and streams along the paved highways, fhat furnish Eshing, camping, riding; sport or restfulness may be had for the asking. Grand pavements everywhere. A three lane highway looks narrow after you've driven for a time in California. Or from this Valley Route you can go over a great hump into marvelous Yosemite Valley and park. you've all read about that. On that route you can take a side trip to see the Big Trees you have read so much about, the giant Redwoods of the High Sierra, which botanists call ..Se, quoia Gigantea." These are NOT the commercial Redwoods, understand. The commercial Redwoods are the "Sequoia Sempervirens," not as large as the ,,Gigantea," but of tremendous size, nevertheless. ***

You see your first commercial timber on the Coast Route going north from Los Angeles to San Francisco. There is a great stand of Redwoods on the Coast hills about two hours out of San Francisco. There are sawmills in this locality, manufacturing this Redwood into lumber. That is the only commercial timber you will find that far south. On the Coast Route the weather is cool, there are marvelous water resorts in endless succession, and at night it is cold. You go through Santa Barbara, a marvelous resort city, and you can cross the Monterey Peninsula also, one of the scenic wonders and marvelous resorts of the entire West. Wonderful hotels, golf courses, scenic drives. A poet wrote:

Once God looked down upon the earfh, and chose the fairest spot, To make a place of beauty bright, where storms and cold were not. Then children came and flowers grew and life was bright and gay, Where is the place? I thought you knew. They call it "Monterey."

There is a new part to the Coast Highway that is highly spoken of by those who love scenery. But it creeps around the side of a cliff high above the Pacific and the rocks below, and is not recommended to nervous drivers. But every inch of the regular highway between Los Angeles and San Francisco is scenic and lovely. At San Francisco the Fair is going on bigger and better than last year. The two bridges continue to astonish the visitor. And San Francisco is the coolest spot in the entire United States in the summer. Seattle runs her a close second. Going north from San Francisco again you have a wonderful choice of trips. You can go up the famous Redwood Highway into Oregon. From the Redwood forests you go right into the Fir forests. It is all scenic, every inch of the way from San Francisco to Portland. Or you can swing inland. But you'll hate to leave San Francisco. Every view in every direction from the Bay Bridge will take your breath away. You go to Sacramento and then north past Mt. Shasta, the beautiful, and over the Siskiyou Mountains into Oregon. You go rig'ht through California Pine territory on your right, and you can detour through some of the greatest forests left on earth, made up of Ponderosa and Sugar Pine, with many big and impressive mills that manufac-. ture them. Most of these mills are in high altitude. The Pine belt of California runs for three hundred miles north and south in Northeastern California. Perhaps you know that California has more standing timbcr than any other state in the Union except Oregon; much more than Washington. The Redwood industry proper, with all its big mills, lie along the Coast Redwood Highway, already mentioned.

(Continued on Page 10)

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