7 minute read
Annual Meeting, Board of Directors, NRLDA
"Lumber and building material dealers have played and continue to play a significant part in housing development, and upon them rests the responsibility of bringing to each local community the facilities {or making home owning possible for all our people. This is a responsibility that has been heightened as the nation is engaged in a gigantic effort to mobilize its industrial and economic resources to defend the American way.
"The progressive dealers in every communitv afford the only possible and efficient channel through which the building industry can operate by reason of the necessary local services that are part and parcel of the economic process of providing comfortable shelter for the provident among the nation's suburban and country population."
Washington, D. C., May 23, l94l-Carl Blackstock, president of the Blackstock lumber Company, Seattle, Washington, was elected president of the National Retail Lumber Dealers Association of the annual meeting of that organization in Washington, May 14, 15, and 16.
Mr. Blackstock succeeded R. S. Finkbine, of the Wisconsin Lumber Company, Des Moines, Iowa. Mr. Finkbine was highly commended by the industry for the splendid job he had done during his two years' incumbency, and was presented a handsome sterling silver candelabra and bowl set as evidence of the appreciation and esteem of the industry.
Other officers elected were John Alexander, Jr., of the Alexander Lumber Company, Aurora, Illinois, vice-president; G. W. LaPointe, Jr., O. & N. Lumber Company, Menomonie, Wisconsin, treasurer (re-elected); and H. R. Northup, secretary-manager (re-elected).
Members of the new Executive Committee are: S. D. Baldwin, Baldwin Lumber-Junction Milling, Jersey City, New Jersey; Fred R. Stair, Farragut Lumber Company, Knoxville, Tennessee; R. S. Finkbine, Des Moines, fowa; S. L. Forrest, Forrest Lumber Company, Lamesa, Texas; Carl Blackstock, Seattle, Washington; W. W. Anderson, Anderson Lumber Company, Ogden, Utah; F. Dean prescott, Valley Lumber Company, Fresno, California; John Alexander, Jr., Aurora Illinois and G. W. Lapointe, Jr., Menomonie, Wisconsin.
Incoming President Blackstock, sounding the keynote of the meeting pointed out: ft was reported that H. R. Northup, secretary of the National Association, had been contributing his time as executive secretary of the National Homes Foundation, and that within the next several weeks there will be released to deal-
"The lumber and building material dealer is facing and discharging his responsibility as the economic kevstone of the home building industry. ft was only a few short years ago that a small home was a dream that could not be realized by the vast majority of our people. Today the retail lumber dealer in all communities is in a position to provide low cost housing of a type within the reach of a vast majority of our people.
The Directors and dealers present at this meeting,---one of the most important held by the retailers in recent years -.discussed specifically questions coming under the heads of Governmental Relations; Trade Promotion and Public Relations.
Among the important questions discussed u-ere Wage- Hour legislation; National Housing Act amendments; National Defense, and Anti-Trust actions.
It was reported that within the next n'eek, the WageHour Administrator will release a new Interpretative Bulletin No. 6, dealing with Retail and Service Establishments, which is purported to be the final set of rulings and regulations with respect to retail groups in general. The Association plans to analyze this Bulletin and release to the retail lumber industrv as a u'hole an explanation of the status of dealers under the new regulations.
The directors discussed the continued desire of the retail lumber industry as a whole to cooperate and coordinate its services in the most effective way to assist in defense projects of every nature. Paul S. Collier, secretary of the Merchandising Institute, made a comprehensive report on the training of retail lumber leaders and their employees in more effective selling methods. Don A. Campbell, chairman of the Home Magazine Publication Committee, reported on the progress of the dealer-consumer publication, "Home," pointing out that some three million copies of this magazine have been distributed to prospective home owners in the 48 states during the past year.
A report rn'as made on the program of the National Homes Foundation, an organization of some 60 building materials and equipment manufactnrers' groups set up for the purpose of stimulating farm and rural housing, and for purposes of cooperation with federal agencies concerned with home building and home financing.
(Continued on Page l0)
* Ponderosa Pine Voodwork has been formed for the sole purpose of promoting the use of more doors and windows made of Ponderosa Pioeto show consurners how to enioy greater comfort and convenience through the more intelligeot use of them-and to help you sell more of them!
Ve knowTaa'd tather sell the beauty and satisfaction of Ponderosa Pine doors and windows than any other kind. rVe know you'd prefer to give your customers doors that take aryt finish easily and beautifully-softtextured doors with grain that doesn't "raise." And we know you like to sell the grace and beauty of Ponderosa Pine windows -uell-fitting windows that help keep out &afts and reduce air infltration. The "theme song" of this entire program is how greater beauty' greater convenience and greater utility are helped by the practical and eficient use of Ponderosa Pine doors and windows.
So we are tellio,gyoar c.astomers about Ponderosa Pine doors' frames and windows-showing them pictures of rooms they'd like to own-giving them suggestions on planning new rooms or remodeling old ones. In national advenising and in a new kind of book, we're helping you convince people that Ponderosa Pine doors and windows are their best buyl And ute're telling tbem to see loil., tbeir local ltmber dealen
Tie-Up Wilh This Progrom
This plan will help you sell more doors and windows! That means more profit for you! The new l2-page book called "Open ffouse" is truly ao idea book. You can have it imprinted with your name. You can tie-uP with the program hcally with newspaper mats which we furnish free. Your prospects will become cilstorners when they read it. Other sales helps are available too!
Act Nowi Write
Annual Meeting, Board o[ Directors Weyerha euser Stresses thc lmportancc
N. R. L. D. A.
(Continued from Page 8) ers nationally through the State Homes Foundations, organized in many areas, and through state and regional dealers' associations, promotion literature prepared by the Federal Government agencies and by the National Homes Foundation. This program is designed to be a cooperative program between the manufacturers and distributors of building materials, and the educational agencies of the Federal Government.
of the Repair and Remodeling Market
In a striking double page spread appearing in the leading contractor and lumber publications for June, Weyerhaeuser calls attention to the rewards to those who cultivate the rich repair and remodeling market.
It is pointed out that for every new house which is built, there are many repair and remodeling jobs, and that this type of work is less competitive and carries a greater margin of profit. Furthermore, there are smaller peaks and valleys in the repair and remodeling business than in the new construction field. In prosperous times it pays the builder and lumber dealer to cultivate this market, which will be so important in the years which lie ahead.
Bill Smith and his wife may still hesitate about building a home of their own, but they are easily sold on fixing up their present home,-building a new back porch, laying a new floor in the kitchen, adding a garage or maybe streamlining the old house outside and in.
The necessary ABC financing for this work is conveniently provided through the lumber dealer. Weyerhaeuser is making it as easy for the customer to fix up his home as it is to purchase an automobile, a radio or an electric refrigerator.
The caption of the ad tells the story,-"Weyerhaeuser Helps You Sell the Billion Dollar Repair & Remodeling Market." under a subhead, "An Authoritative Forecast," appear statements of prominent publishers, with estimates as to the amount of the repair and remodeling business which will be offered in their field during 1941.
The directors and dealers discussed the necessity for a Public Relations Program to effectively bring befcre the American people the important part played by the retail lumber industry in large and small cities.
The Association passed a resolution commending the National Lumber Manufacturers Association for its proposed Public Relations Program, and urged upon the building industry as a whole the necessity for an affirmative presentation of the tremendous contribution that has been made in recent years to American welfare by the building industry.
In opening the meetings, retiring President Finkbine paid high tribute to the late Frank Carnahan, past secretary of the Association, and the meeting passed a memorial resolution.
An interesting program was arranged for the ladies attending the meeting. Mrs. H. R. Northup, wife of the Association's secretary-manager, acted as hostess.
In a detailed report Secretary-Manager H. R. Northup said the Association's activities during the past six months have fallen into two catagories: First, government relations, and second, trade promotion.
IJnder governmental relations, Mr. Northup discussed National Defense, government housing bureaus, utilization of planing mill capacity of the retail industry, transportation, and wage-hour activities. Among the new activities that are ahead of the Association this year regarding gov-
Home Building Increases in May
The Federal Housing Administration today reported an increase in the weekly average of construction of small homes financed through FHA insured mortgages. The average was 48O6 a week during May, compared with 4550 during April and 3992 daring May, 194O.
The agency received 3I,741 small home mortgage insurance applications involving $L47,478,327 during May, which was a decline of. 747 applications and $3,405,868 from the record established in April.
The Federal Home Loan Bank Board reported, meanwhile, that urban home financing during April aggregated 139,525 mortgages amounting to $398,305,000, an increase of 17 per cent over April of last year.
ernmental relations, he named: anti-trust actions, price control, wage increases, Association supervision, taxes, etc.
Under the second feature of the broad program he mentioned, namely, "trade promotion." He discussed sales training, consumer contacts, and National Homes Foundation.
In concluding Mr. Northup said: "As f see it, it is our job, yours as directors and mine as secretary, to show the retail dealers everywhere that the National, State and Regional Associations are serving them every day of the year, and that organized indristry action is the only real 'business insurance' available to the individual dealer today."