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WUYERHAEUsER THE Blttl0ll ll0LtAR Tqrt n and MARI(ET.II

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Today, the rewrrdr to dealerg who rre cultivating the rich repairing rnd remodeling ma*eb are grerter than ever before. Owners rre re-investing in old propertiet at cn unpanlleled prce. They rre spending cn immence amount of money. Alert dealers rre concentrating on thir aftractive lield because it yieldt greater immediate relative profib than new construction-and because repairing and remodeling is algo a steady, dependable rource of income with cmall peaks and vallcys over the yern. Therefore, the further you entrench yoursclf in the repair and remodeling activities in Your Town today, the better fortified you will be in the years that lie ahead, when new construction ig less rctive.

Ihb billion dollu mailcet ir rurcly woilh lceeping on your calling lirt. ln cvcry division of this profttable mail<et rn erger consumel 16pon3e is waiting to be stirad into action. Examine the rnalyrig of the repair and remodeling ma*et on the opposite page. Visuclize ib posribilities in temg of your own local situation. Congult with your Weyefireuser leprcentrtive. Aslc him to show you the selling helpr which I(/eyerhaeuser has prepared for yosr uge. Selcct from thir frce material those helps which will be mogt effective in uncovering the reprir rnd remodeling prorpects in Your Town. hovide youl local contractors with thc broadsi der"42ldeas Qor Making Old Homes Modern." Feature the gimplifted ABC Financing for modernization jobr. Gpihlize on the mrny advanhger ol 4-Squrre lumber rnd lumber rpecialtier which enoble you to succasfully meet competition and to sccule more iobr on a profitable bosir.

Get Your Share of this steady, profitable business

HOUSE MODERNIZATION AND REPAIRSporcher, rtrin, f,oon, roofr, eaver and gutten, pcneling interion, riding, ncw room3, reclertion ?oom3, bey windowl, ertn brthroomr, grr.ger.

APARTMENT MODERNIZATION AND RE. PAfRS-paneling walb, new floor, rctooftng, gufter, new glrrger, new cxtcrion, malcing rmall .p.rtmenb out of old flcb.

STORE AND OFFICE MODERNIZATIONrooh, rtain, fl ooring, prneling, new rtore layoutt, dis. pley windows, countcn, pailitionr, offt cer, new fionb.

HOTEL MODERNIZATION-rdditional roomr, g..lqge facilitier, modem dieing room3, prncl:ni lobbies, new crlerion, repain to rtrirwryr, rooh

SCHOOL MODERNIZATION AND REPAIRS rAcToRy MoDERN|ZAT|ON AND EXPANSION-rools, ncw olftces, new addit:ons,-n"t floon, repainr.reinforcing -rtructural membtn to cary more lorc.

-dain, f,oon, rooF, loclcer sprce, interior toilcb.

CHURCH MODERNIZATION AND REPATRSnew_ rocial cente6r. modern interion, genercl ?cpair to rools, steeples, etc.

FARM EUILDING IMPROVEMENTS-odd|- tionr and -remodeling of barns, hog bcrn, hen houre, milk house, and othc fom buildings.

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