3 minute read
filV 6]a&lilfe Shq . .
By l"cA Siatnc
Age not guaranteed---Some I have told for 20 years--'Some Less
The beautiful young woman lay on her death bed.
Her husband was at her side.
She was dying from some mysterious malady.
They knew that her last hour had come. She looked up
Suscrnville Mill Will Use
Paul Bunyqn Trcdemqrk
The sau,mill formerlv ou.ned b1' The Red Itir,er I-ttrnber Co. at Srrsanville, Calif., and u'hich u'as sold to the l'aul Buny:rn Lumber Co. last December, is expectecl to cut fronr 15 rnillion to 20 million feet of lun.rber this ve:rr. l'ith Ponrlerosa pine running about 90 per cent.
Kenneth R. Walker and Blair \\I:rlker are the on'ners of the Paul Bunyan I-utnber Co., n'hich u'ill use the Paul Bunyan trademark ttnrler liccnse f ronr The Recl River Lumber Co.
at her husband, bending tenderly over her, and said:
"Before I go, I must confess darling, I have been unfaithful to you."
His smile showed great understanding. He said:
"I know, sweetheart. That's why I poisoned you."
Holds Open House
'I-he Sullivan Harcll'ood Lumber L--o., Sarr Diego, recentlv built an attractive nllnpus rootn:rt thcir plant. anci an open house n'as held Fridal' evening, Jtrne 1 The room is 20 feet by 36 feet, the u'alls ar.rd ceiling are built of n'allbo:rrd, and it has a harrll'oocl floor.
About 50 from the Srrllivan H:rrtl'tr-ttod Lttmber Co. and \\restern Lumber ComPan-r',,rganizations attencled, including office employees, r'ard ancl mill superintendents, and branch yard oflice cre\\rs. A buffet supper u'as served and there \\'a" art elltertlrinmcllt.
\(/ar Production Board Sends Public on Direction 18 to Order L-335 a Hunting Expedition for Lumber
Orrio W. Hamilton, secretary-manager of the Southern California Retail Lumber Association, says that "recent press releases covering Construction Order L-41 have left the impression with the buying public that lumber is now available in increased quantities for various construction purposes, although it has not been available up to this time."
These press releases, according to Mr. Hamilton, "are very misleading and are causing much disappointment on the part of the prospective purchaser, who goes to a lumber dealer for lumber, as well as to put the lumber dealer in an undeserved position."
While it is true that the War Production Board, through L-41, has increased the ceiling for "permitted construction," lVIr. Hamilton points out that "the WPB has not, at the same time, made any provision for the distributor to secure lumber for this increased buying demand, and he is thus forced to explain priorities requirements and. defend himself, as the buyer believes a yard full of lumljer should permit him to buy what he needs."
Mr. Hamilton cites that 'ithe average retail lumber yard is unable to buy, even with rated orders, what lumber he would like to buy, and has a very small quota of so-called "free lumber" that he can sell without piiority rating, for emergency essentials. This "free lumber" quota don't begin to meet the daily calls of each lumber yard for small orders of pick-up items; so, increasing ceilings on Order L-41 is like presenting a man with a check for 91,000.00 but cautioning him that there is no money in the bank to cash it."
Wholescle Lumber Associqtion Hecrd Visits Pccilic Cocrst
Joseph L. Du Plain of the Joseph A. Du Plain Lumber Co., Rockford, Ill., and president of the National,American Wholesale Lumber Association, has been on a visit to the Pacific Coast for the past several weeks. He spent some time in San Francisco and visited a son at Palo Alto, Calif. From there he went to the Pacific Northwest, and on the way called at Marcola, Ore., to see another son lvho is employed at the mill of Fischer Lumber Company.
Washington, D. C., May D-Purchase of lumber for two or more retail distribution yards owned or controlled by one person was clarified today by the War Production Board in Direction 18 to the Lumber Control Order, L-335. The direction states that a person may pool certified orders received by his yards for purposes of extending the certifications in purchasing lumber from sawmills and other distributors. The lumber thus purchased may be delivered to one or more of the yards without regard to the quantities of lurnber in the certified orders that the individual yards contributed to the pool.
New Mill ct Roseburg
The new Seivert Iverson sawmill at Roseburg, Ore., is now operating, and has a daily capacity of 30,000 feet. Roy Beebe, veteran millwright, constructed the mill, and he will remain as superintendent.
Mill to Close
Silverton, Ore., June ,f-The Silver Falls Timber Company will .close its sawmill at Silverton in the near future after a 27-year run, M. C. Woodard, general manager, said today.
Will Rebuild Willits Mill
Fire destroyed the mill of Ed Sandberg located near Willits, California, last fall. Announcement is made that the mill will be rebuilt as soon as possible.
Office, Mill crnd Ycrd
77 So.Pcscdenq Ave., Pqsqdencr 3, Ccrlil.
Pcrscrdenq, SYcamore 6-4373 Los Angeles, RYcrn l-6997
Harbor Ycrd ct Long Becch
It is dillicult to conceive oI crny other type oI investment o{Iering so much for so little-SECURITY crnd PEACE-For individucls qnd businesses.