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2832 Windsor DriveP. O. Box 240 ATAMEDA CAIIFORNIA

Telephone Lakehurst 2-2754


For kirchens, bothrooms, ond commerciol instollqtionswherever o high-sheen, eosy-to-cleqn ond durqble surfoce is desired. Equolly suitoble for new construction qnd remodeling; opplied over existing wolls, regordless of condition.

Celotex Buys Gypsum Propertie3 in Southwest

One of the largest gypsum properties and plants in the Southwest, the Texas Cement Plaster Company, has been purchased by The Celotex Corporation, it is announced by Henry W. Collins, vice president in charge of merchandising for Celotex.

The Texas Cement Plaster Company was established in 1903 by S. M. Gloyd. The property consists of an extensive gypsite and gypsum deposit, and plaster board and gypsum plaster plants at Plasterco, Texas, as well as a crushing and loading plant and gypsum rock quarry at Longworth, Texas, nineteen miles from Plasterco. Headquarters for the company were at Oklahoma City.

The main plant at Plasterco, one of the most modern in the country, will provide The Celotex Corporation with needed facilities to supply the market in the Southwest.

Other Celotex plants are at Marrero, La., Metuchen, N. J., Lagro, Ind., and Port Clinton, Ohio. It has a subsidiary company in London, Etrgland, under the name, Celotex, Limited.

Fire-Secson Closure Policy Announced by Forest Service

San Francisco, May 28-The fire-season closure policy for the national forests of southern California was announced today by Regional Forester S. B. Show, chief of the California region, U. S. Forest Service, rvho sai<l, "In any but an abnormally dry year, the Angeles, Cleveland, San Bernardino and Los Padres national forests will remain open to the public until midnight of the fourth Sunday in June, starting this year. After that date, all areas of moderate or light fire hazard rvill continue to remaiu open, but higl-r-hazard areas u.'ill be closed to the public until the end of the fire season, usually about December 1.

"Nlain highways and roads passing through high-hazard areas in the national forests, together with main roads giving access to areas open to the public, will be available for travel throughout the fire season. Posted and fire-proofed camp and picnio grounds immediately adjacent to these highr,r'ays and roads will also be o1>en to the public. The boundaries of closed areas will be signed, and maps showing rvhere people may go will be published in local papers and provided free to forest users."

Peerless Built-In-Fixture Co. Busy With Work For Ncvy

Peerless Built-In-Fixture Co., Betkeley, is busy making a large amount of housing equipment, especially cabinets, for 60O prefabricated portable houses for Navy personnel, located at San Francisco, Vallejo, and Alameda County points.

"Our designs and plans are completed for going back into the cabinet business with many new items of kitchen and household fixtures, such as wardrobes, mantels, breakfast room seats and tables," said Ray B. Cox, president of this concern, recently to a representative of The California Lumber Merchant. "Reconversion, when the time comes, will be accomplished very quickly," he stated.

Ccrlilornia Governor Signs Forestry Bills

Governor Earl Warren of California has signed three forestry bills as a basis to establish its pine and redwood forests on a continuous production basis.

The new laws derive from Senate Bill 556, designed to provide for continuity and stability of policy of the State Board of Forestry and the Division of Forestry by staggering the terms of the Board members; Senate Bill 560, whi'ch is an enabling act to provide for the acquisition ot forest lands for state forests; and, Senate Bill 637, which declares the interest of the State in the manner of current forest cutting practices and sets up basic standards for handling merchantable timber.

Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Meeting

Lieut. Wm. D. Bowden, U. S. Navy, an Amphibious Corps veteran of six major Pacific campaigns, was the speaker at the luncheon meeting of the Los Angeles HooHoo Club at the University Club, Los Angeles, Monday, May 28. He gave an interesting talk on "Getting Men and Equipment Ashore under Fire." Jack Dionne told the gathering a few of his favorite stories.

President Roy Stanton presided, and George Clough introduced the speaker. There rvas a large attendance.


a procedure by which a manufaccan himself determine his ceiling items not now provided with ceilrevised MPR 293, effective June 6.)

Pitcher Disappearing Doors

We hcve on hcnd Stock ol Pitcher

Discrppecring Door Frqmes crnd Hcnrgers

Detail Sbeets Sent to Lumber Trud,e on Request E. G. PITGIIER GOIUIPA]IY 608 l6th Street, Ocklqnd 12, Glencourt 3990 Fcctory 8l4l Seven Hilla Bd., Ccrstro Vcrlley, Hcyword


750 Dwelling Units Assigned Santa Ana Locality

John E. McGovern, district director, Federal Housing Administration, Los Angeles, has announced that the National Housing Agency has assigned to the Santa Ana locality a quota of privately-financed construction of new housing under ils "H-2" program as follows:

For the purpose of this program' the Santa Ana locality is defined as all of Orange County u'ith the exception oi San Clemcnte.

550 dwelling units, with a maximum sales price of $7000 based upon a three-bedroom unit. Any other size units to have a maximum sale price in relation to the accommodations proPosed.

200 dwelling units with a maximum shelter rent of $60' 150 units of the "quota for sale" are reserved for owner' occupancy use'

Any person desiring to construct dwellings pursuant to this quota may make application, in person or by mail, to the Los Angeles FHA offlce, 112 West 9th Street, Los Angeles 15, on Form WPB 2896, requesting priority assistance io begi.t construction of a dwelling either for rental, sale, or owner-occupancy.

The Los Angeles FHA ofifice will be open on and after Jrine 7 to receive applications, either by mail or in person' io, ,-rot to exceed llo/. ol the quota' All applications will be considered in the order received from applicants until llo/o ol the quota has been filed' Any excess applications filecl over and above the quota will be returned to the applicant without Processing'

Wooden Boxes

The OPA rvill establish uniform ceiling prices trial n'oodetr lloxes antl their component parts tional basis. (Amendrnent 4 to Second Revised Price Regulation 195, effective May 31')

First of New Lumber Fleet for Postwar

The first of four Diesel ships for the coastwise Lumber trade in the postwar period was launched at Portland, Oregon, early in May when the 4000-ton motorship, Oregon Fir, slid down the ways of the Albina Engine & Machine Works shipyard into the Willamette River. The others will carry the names of California Redwood, Washington Cedar and Arizona Pine.

The Commission last fall gave L. R. Hussa, president of Albina Engine & Machine Works, the contract for four of these lumber carriers, making the Albina yard the first shipyard to get into postwar ship construction.

for induson a secMaximum

The new lumber carrier is 319 feet long, beam 49 feet, depth26 feet, and will draw 18 feet when loaded with 2,250,00O feet of lumber, or its equivalent in other forest products. It \\'ill have a speed of 131 knots. The sten.r is raked and the stern is cruiser-tYPe.

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