3 minute read
State Association Shows Big Gain in Membership
H. A. Lake, president of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, announces that the State Association has added l0O new membeis and 10 reinstatements since January,l9D. The new retail yards who have joined the Association, together with the list of reinstatements, are as follows:
Ernest Ganahl Lbr. Co., Lake Arrowhead; Little River Red Wood Co., Madera; Clemment Lumber Co', Oranse: Lieeett Lumber Co., Santa Ana; Work Lbr. Co', Montirey; d[.s. Lbr. Co., Pacific Grove; Santa Cruz Lbr' Co., Sania Crazl Los Banos Lbr. Co., Los-Banos; Superior Lbr. Co., Sacramento; Western Lbr. -Co.,Sacramelto; Cross Lbr. Co., Merced; Wenrich Lbr. Co., Merced; G!ttine Lbr. Co., Gustine; Truckee Warehouse & Lbr. Co., Truckee; Gilroy Lbr. Co., Gilroy; Redwood Manufactuling Co., Pittsburg i Norton-Phelps L!r. C9.r Santa Cruz ; Sun Lbi. Co., Oxiard; Dolan Bldg. Material Co., S-acram-ento; Klicka Lbr. Co., San Diego; Noah Adams Lbr. Co., Walnut Grove; Norton-Phelps L6r. Co., Seabright; Malm &-Angle Lbr. Co., Dos Palos f Hofiman-Glasson Lbr. Co', San -Diego; General Supply Co., Fair Oaks; Hayward Lbr' & Investment Co., Loi Banos; California Lbr. Co., S11 Diegg; Dixon Lbr. Co,, Dixon; Woodland Lbr. Co., Woodland; Claremont Lbr. Co., Claremont; Hamilton-Gill Lbr. Co', San Bernardino; Alta Loma Supply Co., Alta Loma; Chas' E. Chambers, San Jacinto; Wes[-King Lbr. Co., Satr Diego; Century Lbr. & Mill Co., San Diego; HirsumlF..Co., Chula Vitt.; Costa Mesa I-br. Co., Costa Mesa; C. Ro{n-ef Smith, San Diego; W.D.Hall Inc., El Cajon;$-.L A Lbr. Co., dscondidof Bostonia Lbr. Co., Bostonia; Wilson Lbr' Co., La Jolla; Hillcrest Lbr. Co., San liego; Herriman -I-br. Co., San Diego; Whiting-Mead Lbr. Co., San,Diego; Eairmount Lbr. eo., San Diego; Sones Lbr' Co', Calexico; Valley Lbr. Co., El Centro; Morrow Lbr. Co., Inc., Brawley;
McCune Lbr. Co., Brawley; El Centro Lbr. & Trading Co.' El Centro; Pomona Valley Lbr. Co., Pomona; Chino Lbr. Co., Chino; Bowman-Johnson Lbr. Co., Redlands; Diamond Match Company, Vacaville; Diamond Match Compdny, Willows; Dilmond Match Company, Red Blufi; Diamond Match Company, Oroville; Diamond Match Company, Los Molinos; Diamond Match Co., Grass Valley.; Diamond Match Co., Esparte; Di4mond Match Co., Dunsmuir; Diamond Match Co., Corning; Diamond Match Co., Arbuckle; Century Lbr. Co., Long Beach; Montebello Lbr. Co., M_ontebello; H. A. Graham Lbr. Co., Long Beach; W. H. Siemen, Jr., Long Beach; Parish Lbr. Co', Huntington l"t\; F. C. Osgood Lbr. Co., Bell; Grogan Lbr. Co., San Gabriel; Stanger Lbr. Co., Clearwater I Macco Lbr. Co., Clsarw_ater; Mel -Coe Lbr. Co., Compton; Bear State Lbr. Co., tong Beach; Coast Lbr. Co., Wilmington; Buena Park Lbr. Co., Buena Park; Smith & Lindsay, Pasadena; Faulkener-Meyer Lbr. Co., Pasadena; J. W. Heinecke Lbr. Co., San Clemente; Barr Lbr. Co., Orange; Lindsay Lbr. Co., Hynes; John Suverkrup Lbr. Co., Riverside; J. E. Winship &Son, Arlington; Dill Lbr. Co., Arlington; Fickling Lbr. Qo.,,Lyn- woodl Hayward Lbr. & Inv. Co., Riverside; E. K. Wood Lumber Co., Los Angeles; Two Rock Commercial Co., Two Rock; Pico Lumber Co., Pico; Whitson Lumber Co., Tirstin; Gieb Lumber Co., Carlsbad; Gieb Lumber Co., Encinitas; Gieb Lumber Co., Vista; Gieb Lumber Co., Compton; Gieb Lumber Co., San Gabriel ; Home Lumber Co., Lomita; Harbor Lumber Co., Bellflower; Mullin-Hayes Lumber Co., Torrance; North Long Beach f,umber Co., No. Long Beach.
Reinstatements: Benson Lbr. Co., San Diego; Park Lbr. Co., La Mesa; Hayward Lbr. & Inv. Co., Escondido; HaIward Lbr. & Inv. Co., San Bernardino; East Bay Lbr. & Mill Co., Oakland; Central Lbr. Co., Gilroy; Kofoid Lbr. Co., Caruthers; W. B. March Lbr. Co., Ivanhoe; McCormick Lbr. Co., San Bernardino; Ripon Lbr. Co., Ripon.
Archer Incinerator Minimizes Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Smoke and Sparks in Co. to Distribute Stronach Burning Refuse Nail
The Ar'cher Blower Pipe Corporation, of Los Angeles, builders of burners and incinerators for twenty nine consecutive years, now furnishes a refuse consumer which far surpasseJ anything they were, able to create in the past.-
The chief bbjection that refuse burners have been seeking to overcoml, of course, is sparks, smoke, etc., from the bu"rner. In this new Archer incinerator, it is scientifically arranged so that the air cooled stack permits the cold air to meiet the hot gases coming up the inner stack, forming an upper air com6ustion chamber that effectually consumes sparki, and evaporates smoke to a minimum degree.
'It has been -a wonderful success wherever used, and there are a very large number in actual use.
Mr. I. G. Archer is owner and manager of the company and a -veteran authority on all blower things'
Harry Stronach, inventer of the Stronach non-splitting Nail, who is representing the Stronach Nail Co. of Pittsburg, Pa., manufacturer of the nails, on the Pacific Coast, announces the appointment of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co. as distributors of the Stronach Nail in California, and that this company is carrying a stock of the nails both at San Francisco and Los Angeles.
These nails are being retailed exclusively through retail lumber dealers. The triangular end of the nail cuts the wood fibers, punching a hole ahead of the nail body. There is no splitting as with the diamond pointed nail, which wedges the fibers apart.
The hole punched is smaller than the nail body, giving the wood a tight grip all around the nail. This increases holding power tremendously.