2 minute read
"Hoo Hoo Now in Position to Render a Service"
(Continued from page 119) of lumber is needed to put the eleven million and more homes in the rurat districts and the nine million and more homes in the urban districts in a fair state of repair. If a rvood-using program can stimulate into activity 5 per cent of these needs, it will mean ten billion feet a year, which added to the present consumption would create a demand of some forty-two billion feet or nlore, or approximately the normal output of all the mills of our country lor a year, and Hoo-Hoo throughout the country is undertaking to solve this problem by placing before the public information that they are now seeking with reference to the merits of lumber as a building_ material, and the best way to con_ serve timber is to make proper use of it, for lvhen the peo_ ple of our country understand that lumber is the best luita_ ing material available for more than 90 per cent of their purposes, and when they understand that it is possible for a reforestation program to make perpetual our ftrests, then rt seems to me tha-t_legislation that may be necessary through the efforts of Hoo-Hoo will recei.r,e'the hearty sup_ port of our people.
'I'his Hoo-Hoo organization now is in a position to ren_ der a service to the c"ountry, to the pJbli., "na to future gen- erations that no other o,rganizatioi can hope to equal,?nd it does not seek to rendei a service that will be in the in_ l,erest: oJ tho.se engaged.in any branch of the industry more lhll it does to the public or than it does to our .ountry o, to the program of reforestation and conservation. In short. we propose sooner or-later to sponsor a prog.ram that wilt receive the consideration of the country as ,-whol..
The next annual meeting of Hoo-Hoo Tnternational, lr.hl:h is a corporation since-1921, whose officers .;;p;;;A ot the Supreme Nine constitute the board of directors un_ der the constitution a.nd bv-laws of the corporation, should have present delegations from_e-rery club'in ;r;;;;;;;; and our neighboring country, Canada.
From my_ observations on this extended trip above re_ ferred to, which has been briefed only, I am constrainecl to believe.th-at the largest gathering that we have ever found assembted rn the interests of any one industry (and mind you the lumber industry is the sicond largest bt'ori "oun_ fy) will be gathered ai Amarillo on SeptEmber 25,26 ind z/. t_commend the program of Hoo_Hoo to all who are en_ gaged in any branch of the industry. to the Forest Depart_ ment_ of our government who are'entitled to be and are members, to the officers of the Retailers, Associations throughout the country, to the newspaper editors ""a tn" press as the. one organization, Hoo-Hoo, that is now en_ tltfed to serious consideration.
Stanton Creates Permanent Display
(Continued from page 118) colors and character, all wood, and all wonderful to see. This exhibit is going to be kept that all who are inter_ ested may see: There is a revelation there for any man interested in the better use of wood, regardless of who he may.b.e, and eve-ryone is invited to witn;ss this display. A soecial effort will be made to get the architects of Souihern California to see it. Surely th"ere are many fine iai"" it.r" that the architect may sell his customer.