2 minute read
D Ior 20 yearr---Some lass Ag"
By Jock Dionne
not guarrnt €d--Some I have told
The Value of Preaching
I got this story out of Tom Dreier's wonderful little magazine, "The Vagabond."
They needed a preacher in a small town, and one of the elders went down to the ferry to see who might be coming across. He saw a ministerial looking fellow toting his bags across the gangplank.
"What'll you charge to preach?"
"Twenty-five dollars," replied the holy man.
A big crowd attended the Lumbermen's Hi-Jinks at the Flawaiian Paradise Cafe, Los Angeles, Friday evening, June 16. It was a great get-together and lumbermen were present from all sections of Southern California.
The party was sponsored by Lumbermen's Post No. 403 of the American Legion. The Arrangements Committee included Chairman Milt Taenzer, Leo Hubbard, Fred Morehouse, Russell Gheen, Ed Biggs and Bill Chantland.
Jack Dresceer Los Angeles Vtsttor
Jack Drescher, field engineer for the Pacific Coast Shingle Inspection Bureau, Inc., spent a few days in Los Angeles around the middle of the month while enroute from Texas to Seattle, Wash. With A. M. Sparling, the Bureau's California field representative, they spent a few days calling on the relail lumber dealers. Jack reports that lumber conditions in Texas are good.
The elder scratched his head.
"We ain't got that much," he confessed.
"All right, fifteen dollars !" said the prospect.
Still the elder was hesitant.
"Ten dollars, then !"
The elder hitched around a little.
"Now, you ain't got a sermon that you could give us for about five dollars?"
The preacher mused a minute.
"I have," he finally said. "But it ain't worth a damn !"
Attends Savings And Loan Convention
John W. Fisher, Fisher-Swartz Lumber Co., Santa Monica, attended the annual convention of the California Savings & Loan League held at San Francisco, June 15 to 17.
Mr. Fisher is president and founder of the Century Federal Savings, and l-oan Association, of Santa Monica, which has the distinction of having paid interest on its deposits in full throughout the depression years.
The annual picnic of the West Coast Screen Co., Los Angeles, held at Banning Park on June 11 was a great success. It was attended by employees, their families and friends numbering 375.
Everybody had a lot of fun. The outstanding event was a male bathing beauty contest. This was won by E. A. Snow, night foreman of the plant, who had the honor to be crowned "Miss Hollvwood." name of the firm's famous door.
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Glenn Fogleman In East
Glenn Fogleman, manager of The California Door Co., Los Angeles, will return early in July from a four weeks' business and vacation trip to the middle west, south and east. He paid a visit to the Pensacola, Fla., factory of Armstrong Cork Company, manufacturers of Temlok insulation board, for which his firm is Southern California distributor, and spent some time in Washington, D.C. and New York.
Mr. Fogleman, is accompanied by Mrs. Fogleman. They picked up a new car in Flint, Mich., and used it on their tour, which included a visit to Niagara Falls and part of Eastern Canada. After seeing the Nerv York World's Fair they visited relatives in Illinois on their way back to the Pacific Coast.
Calls On Mills
H. M. "Mac" Luellwitz, president of the Lumber Co., Los Angeles, returned recently trip to San Francisco and to the company's in the Klamath Falls district.
Anglo California from a business mill connections
Building New Office
Hebbron Lumber Company, Santa Cruz, is building a new office building. Lloyd Hebbron is manager of the company.
Glen Karnes of Santa Cruz has purchased the TwainHarte Lumber Company at Twain-Harte Calif. He is making many improvements at the yard and has increased his lumber building material stocks.