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In Selling Don't Knock

By Jack Dionne

In selling-don't lsrockl

An old cdcae, but as true todcry crg when it was first uttered.

The knocker is becoming cr rcrre slrcimen in lhe lield oI sclesmcnship, but the species is not entirely extinct, nevertheless unlortuncrtely.

Every time a scrlesrncm strikes cr blow crt his competitor he is driving cr nail in the coffin oI hie own prospective sales. The hopes of mcury misguided sclesmen lie buried benecrth cn crvclcnche ol distrugt crnd disgust on the pcrrt of the buyer, crnd with them qre buried the businees oI their employers.

It is crn old cmd outwom stunt lo run down the products ol your competitor, crnd mcrny q mqrr has lecrnred ioo lcrte thcrt it is the sure rocrd to lailure. YeL beccruse there qre still lhose who have not yet lecnred the lesson" this piece is written"

Discrediting your neighbor's goods is the surest wcry ol crousing suspicion oI your own wcres in ihe mind of your prospect. He mcry know thcrt your merchcnrdise is better, but your competitor mcry be on such friendly terms with him personcrlly thcrt he will resent your cttitude oI criticisn.

On the other hcnd your prospect probcbly. knows cll cbout the merits and demerits ol your competitor's stock. Whct he wcrnts to hnow is how your own line mctches up with it, cnrd he crlone is the iudge oI thcrt.

Tell him the good points of your own merchcndise cmd service crnd all qbout why HE should prolit by buying lrom YOU, and then let him mcke the compcrison between whct you crnd the other fellow h<rve lo oller. It is line for YOU to know the weck points ol your competition, but only so thcrt you mcy be qble to prolit by them, cnd NOT Ior the purpose ol telling the customer about them.

II the goods you rrre trying to sell crnd the firm you cne trying to represenL won't stcod up on their own merits, you hcd better quit cnd get cnother corurection

Door Company Changes Name

The name of the California incorporation operated for the past two years under the name of Bassett-Teachout Co., was changed June 1O to The Teachout Door Co.

The interest of James and Tom Bassett in the.company was purchased by David W. Teachout, president.

The same policies of wholesale distribution of both Douglas Fir and Rezo hardwood doors in this territory will be continued. The warehouse and office of The Teachout Door Co. is at 767 East Washington Boulevard.


Seth L. Butler, representative of Dant & Russell, Inc., San Francisco, returned at the end of May from a trip to New York where he went as Captain of the California Grays, San Francisco's crack military organization, chosen to accompany Mayor Rossi as guard of honor and participate in ceremonies on San Francisco Day at the New York World's Fair.

The 60 California Grays who made the journey visited 26 states and paraded at West Point in the course of the tour.

Redwood Mill Resumes

The sawmill of Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co., Eureka, started lune 26 after three weeks' shutdown for seasonal repairs and dredging of the log pond.

Builds Addition

Clearwater Lumber Company, Clearwater, is adding an addition to its lumber yard buildings with a 20 by 6O feet finish shed.

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