3 minute read
ur€rfl s.euuol6l 'rI rels8uno-,( dprrys _e_ql arart\ araql s:ee.,( SurpaeJrns I?re^es rol pue plltlf quro.r8 dpeals aql pe>lretu qllgr\ suoplPe r("pqulq
'palueserder 1I qf,Iq^\ d.tlsnpur Jequnl 1ea.r8 aql Sutu.racuoc l?Ireletu lnydlaq pue elllsturolul peureluof, pue leurnof 8uno.( aql Io luaura,ro-rdurt pue leroads ou ueeq e^Bq eregl srea,( luaca: Surrnq ure 1 'a1ep aql Sur11ecer lnq 'suo11erqa1ae fepr{ulg
-llef eqJ ol s8utlaa;S ,(epqlrrq puelxa o1 peldurord
'se^ll"luaserda-r alqe pu" srolrpo t.raqsrlqnd s1r 'lueqcratr I Jequn-I slurol
'aurtu pu? eurorl ;no.{ o} setuoJ U qluotu tlcea eJlll,J
-relua '1se.re1ur Io r.If,nu pug e.^, sJelof, sll ulglll{ pue sr asodrnd sll pu" 'arnleu IBf,IIIJJ B Jo uaq^\ ua^a elllf,nJlsur eJe slualuoc s1r 'uotlcnJlsul Pue luauulel requnT BIurollleJ aqJ ol s,araq 'o5 '3ul.ra.te.tturl lear8 aq1 elras ol anulluoc l! feur 3uo1 '1uu4ana141 seq lf se dlluarcge pus I11n1rq8r1ep frlsnpur requml
'passed mou srear( uaelturs eW ul
IU?IJJA aleu algelo^eJ tv lllrt\ su;P;;ngl elerlaq salels pellun eqt Io slred 11e ur sJaleaP Jaqrun'I
B l? enurluof, llr/lr Surppnq luraua8 pue l"IluePtsel lerll
Jer* aql alrdsap eJnln1 alelperuut eql ur alBJ alqeJol?J
-e.roilffilj 1o s:a8eueur qcuerq aq1 'uollenlls
'16 drua11 o1 palrodar '9 aunf uo r Furtaaffi6ii ursrpuer{f,raru'3r 1o aSreqr F! ruaplsard act,r 'sur11o3
-rsnq daa4 lprrr .(p,tr1re Surppnq 1o ur luasard aq;
'sdep ep rer{}oue ro} Ia^el luasard sf fllelruetsqns l? ssau uorlrnJlsuof, ur sesearJur 'leql :al;y /a,rar1eq s.ra8eueur aqt ueql aJotu IIr.^. 1llr^rlf," asualap eu Surpuad ol anp
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'poo,v\uaarC uIArBtr^I puB suIIIoJ 'rI tr ,Cq y'elcnpuor Suraq
1e.taua8 luesard sra8eueur qJu"rq aqJ sal?s
!uolsog 'uosp-reqcrg 'g '.,1A : EluBIlV 'sa8urfi 'f '5 apnlur
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DPJQ 'rno Pu? tPtsulsalqd
'PoorlPa[ orP6 su srnor( seleouv 3o1. otsltuolJ ups otrlrlsul sPoo/A alqdno .tlt ,o t/oJuoos
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'dtrcedec paus rreul pas€aJf,uI pue p.red ;raql pa8uer.re
Executive Vice-President o[
Redwood Association
San Fra important post Hammond, presideri av outlined the lanization for the coming
July l.-Naming l(enneth Smith to the f executive vice-president, Leonard C.
"Promoting the sale of a wood, the unusual qualities of which suit it for a number of specialized uses," he said, "is essentially a job of rendering a close and helpful service to the dealers who handle it.
"In order to make the merchandising work of the association most practical from the dealers' point of view, the Board of Directors has appointed a man whose long work with retail lumber sales has eminently prepared him for the task.i'
Mr. Smith's appointment takes efiect July 1.
He was formerly secretary-manager of the Lumber and Allied Products Institute of Los Angeles, composed of the retail dealers in that market-one of the largest in the country. In that capacity, and previously as sales manager of E. K. Wood Lumber Company, Los Angeles, he acquired an intimate acquaintance with the problems of the retailer.
The California Redwood Association, which he now directs, is composed of seven large-scale producers of redwood lumber, Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Company, Hammond Redwood Company, Hobbs Wall Lumber Company, Holmes Eureka Lumber Company, Monterey Bay Redwood Company, The Pacific Lumber Company and Union Lumber Company.
Sacramento Hoo-Hoo Club No. monthly dinruer meeting on Wednesday , June 19, at the Elks Club, Sacramento.
A feature of the m was the showing of a plywood plywood.
Tte Pioneerg ot Practiccrl, Eflicient Cctlldng Loc& Give YouTIIE
The Most Practical and Ellicient Calking Load 0n The Market a
Hand3 Ncvcr ruch Compound / Easiest Load ln thc World to uso. Solid Pack-No Alr Pockets to Clog gun with drled out, ChunkyCompound Special Air-proofedcontainer,Vacuumpractically packed Guns of 2" barrel have to do is, load into gun, ofi seal in cap. l0o/o More Cclking in ecrch locrdlo
The perfect load for calklng guns. No messy lids to remove. Only place calking touches gu.n ls the Inside of nozzle. And each load packed with Genuine NuCalk Calking Compound-the quality standard.
Locrds to Ccrton
(Previ<iualy Pcrcked 8 Locds to Ccrton) MACKLANBURG.