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Rate---$Z.5o Per Column Inch. Minimum One-Half Inch.


WANTED-By Can furnish C-817, California Lum


F'amiliar with all branches called on the Los A lumber trade. Good references. Addr Lumber N|erctrant.r(t',


, familiar with all office permanent or temporperiod. Address Box C-822, t,, o o(,tr po<49ifr-r-pliFrhli;{.'Z!? ,_q., :!.,'

Want partner for small lumber yard. Capable of tak ing charge. Small capital required. Beach town. C-826, California Lumber Meichant.

''"-|rutq''I l+ rL! lt.f f"[".,", experienced -noruJ"iJ4pi,,u man, specializing on industrial trade. If you can qualify, send us your recor$. Address C-824, Cali- record. Address fornia Lumber Nlerchant.fa.t ./!,'-' f ,

We have a number of fornia for sale. Twohy Brokers, 801 Petroleum Co.,'Lumber Yard Building, Loe Anhave disposed of stocks and have yard site to sell or lease in Tucson. Arizona. Address n^oy ^C -al\ f arif gTnia I;urpter Medhanff)a lt- lt/ Ltrt :t t r lI--/l-t'


Owner's other busiln^ess compels sacrifice of this healthy thriving an{ lrowing concern selling over $20,000 monthly. f1t' y-ard, established September 1939. Fully equip{e{1nth rolllng stock, buildings, office fixtures. Sto{r,aD new and salable. Address

Money Wanted

Thriving yard in good town in Los Angeles County, established several years, can use up to $1O000.00 at 7 per cent. Amortize monthly or terrir loan. Good security. Afldress Box C-821 California Lumfer

News Flashes

Wr_M.Wasser, Gray Lumb.. @ co lifornia on a business and pleasure trip.

Homer T. Havward, president of @ Lumber Co., Salina{ Calif. and Mrs. Hayward, left recently fo@mmer at their cottage in Estes Park.

George W. Gorman, Gorman ess arou manaser of Vallev Lumber pggy.gfflq\has returned from a business trip to the Pacific Northwest where he called on a number of sawmills. wholesale lumber dealer, San Francisco, nd of Moiave Desert. t4rlYictor- /o3> n+14/F ,g{n

H. "Abe" Lincol..of td

1\Ifs. Lrncoln returned lune y trom a tnree weeks- vacatron trip. They made the entire trip by air, traveling by United Air Lines, visiting the New York Fair and the cities of Washington, D. C., Pittsburgh and Cleveland.


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