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Fixed In Slate
-fhe so' bgteatet thictness ofRichardson
Muhiqome Roofs adds begut! of exture and Jears of mdurance. Closeb ouer
Iappinc,slate flakq furthet protect the sturdt V iskolt -satutated base aS,arnst ' weathq and fite hazatd.s ered brown, for instance, is attractive when applied with other Richardson Shingles ofjade green, tile redor black pearl. The Multicrome Roof is built of Rich, ardson Super.Giant Shingles, extra large, extra heavy-to give greater beauty, longer endurance. The high quality ofitsinner ma. terials,too, assures last, ing beauty for this roof. Its base is sturdy Richardson felt, for 6fty yearsrecognized as the best, And the water. proofng is Viskaltunusually durable be, cause 99.8/e pure titumen, especially vacuum , processed. Richardson Multi, crome Roofs are economical to lay and equallygood for new or over,the.old,roof obs.
Actioe sellinghelp
Advertisements like this appearing steadily in the Literary Digest, House and Garden, House Beautiful and also in the national magazines of contrac, tors, architects and builders, are creating an active demand for Richardson Roof, ing in yourlocality. And the Richardson Resale Plan is making proEts for thou, sands of Richardson dealers by giving them the direct benefits of this adver, tising. Write for details of this plan for your territory.
Write far our new boo\la
We will send you our new booklet, Roofs of Distinaion, together with samples of Richardson Super,Giant Shingles in opal, weathered brown and otber colors. Tust use the coupon below.