3 minute read
How Lumber Looks
Lumbcr doern't look wonderful in California, or anywhere on the Coeit for that matter, but it lookr better than it har, ro there ir rome runrhine to refer to.
When a lumber market ir ernarhing, you can't rell lumber at any price. Today, accord. ing to ttre bert advice of conrcnative mitl reprerentativer and wholecalerr in California, you can sell ANYTHING you offer, if you will make the price. That nececeary price ir deplorably low-oo low that raler are very rlow-$ut the fact remainr that the big yardr will take dt you offer, if you ofrer it cheap enough.
The cmall lumber yardr look at it in a different way. They are living hand to mouth, buy- ing only what they need, and when they need it, and they dontt grab at bargainr that are offered them, at all. However, as soon as they actually NEED Iumber, they go out and buy it, and generally have to pay a higher price than the stuff is being peddled around at.
It ir the rame old rtory. While lumber har been dropping in price for monthr thc millr have actually rold dl theyr have madc. The only thing that hae rufiered ir thi pri€A rince they have NOT piled up lumber, and have low rtockr
Bcginning with the Augurt lrt ieurc of thie publication, we will carry r, departmcnt of crclurivc advcrtiecmcntr by lumbcrmen and lumberwomcn of California who are recking poritione with wholerale or rctail lumber corrccrnr. Thcrc "adr" will bc crrried at no co.t to thc advertircr, or to the employer, and thcrc are no rtringr attachcd to thc ofrcr.
Realizing that thcre ir a certain amount of unamployment in lumber circler, and deairing to arirt in whatever way we can, wc ofrcr thir ecrvice, and urge ite free ure.
Ar an employcr, will you do your part. Read theee advertilementl, note thc qualificationa, and ree if you cannot ule one or more of the men or women who are attempting to get in connection with you.
\f,/e alro urge that thir eeruice be recommended whenever you come in contact with romeone seek- ing a porition.
The copy should reach our Loe Angeler office not Iater than the 25th, for the issue'of the lct, or the l0th, for the mid-month iccue. State your qualifi- cationr, part experience, etc.
at prerent. The only lumber they piled up war in Californiq and it war that piling up that broke the California market in the firct place.
We raid in thir column on July firrt that Southern Pine would NOT continue to make and sell lumber below the cort of production, and predicted that Southern Pine would go up early in JuIy. Our prediction har already come true. Since the lart week in June Southern Pine rales have exceeded production. and there has been a decided rtrengthening in the Southern Pine market. Pro. duction ia reported very low, with ordert about the same aE they have been for the past thirty days. The chances are that orders for Southern Pine will increase materially during the remainder of JuIy. That recovery of the balance in Southern Pine will quickly help the Fir situation, there can be no doubt.
The mills of the Northwest didn't curtail anything like it was reported they were going to do for the holiday aeason. Most of them took no more than their regular one, two, or three-day shutdown, and The shingle market in California is slow, mighty slow right production in the Northwest in Fir is pretty strong right now. _They are asking ten cents more for Stars than they now. When it comes to taking orders, the mills .r" ""llirrg were -th-irty days-ago, -but the volurne of sales- !s ye_ry l9w. stock on hand at very tow prices, but ashing a rnuch highei ,""1,::TifiJ":H'ht:X:"i1ill;,r.I:""?r#;""t in price for cutting orders' reporting a big volume of business, and the millwork busi- There is NOT much lumber at the mills in the Northwest. t * g.ri"r.lly-is showing i-pror.i"ii.
Behind, tlte trade-rt*rh and, deliniu replacement guarantee oJ La,ninex doors, stand.s the unrld's largest door manufacturer. Ve own-our timber, logging camps, lumber mills, door factories. Our yearly output of Laminer and Voco doors is large eroughto supPly the homes ot a milliin pnph.