1 minute read
"Every Laminex is branded dnd Wurdnteed ! "
$apidly.lhs I:aminex trade-mark and guarantee are becoming a familiar sight to lumber merchants, archiiects and contractors "the countrv over!
. I o the carpenter it means a door that will not stich" or wind, in the JamD. to the contraccor our guarantee means Jreedom from worry over doors thar shrink, swell or warp on the job. He is piotected Jroi inferior daors from unknown manufacturers.
Architects are specifying Laminex doors because thev know that the Laminex type of construction is the only way to overcome the natural faults in doors. These are due to the nature 6f wood as it grows, which cause shrinking, swelling and warping.
These facts have -been pro',r=en by every ftind of test-climatic tests, scientific tests-a test.which subjected Laminex doors to a deluge oi water and terrific heat in a great sash and door fire at Nashvifle on O"tober 13, 1923. Laminex doors are distributed bv leadins iobbers in every section. _Ask about our selling-help plan which ena6l6s rerailers to get the benefit of our great narional ddvertising campaign.
The WheelefrgSggo{ Cgmpapy
Tacoma, Washington,"The Lumber Capital of Ainerrca
San Francisco, Spohane
Manuiacturers of "Voa'' Douplas Fir Doors and Fir .Sash
Vater test-24 hours' soak ng s houed. comple,a abserce of uqrlrtng in Lqmrnex d.oors. AII Parts of the doors remained riprd. an.l suons. Tests maie br the Forit Producls L-aboratories, Untversily of \(oshim- ton, Sch&l iI Forestr:,l,
Hedt teal-in @mmer- cial d.ry hiln-zn. hours in heqt of t85" F. wuh humd.uy of jo/6 Moisture extracaed, t lb, z oz- No shrnhtng, warpng or cnecLtng,.
Strength t6t-Ldmine& banels an a 2oo,ooo Pound Olsen testtng machtne, slood an aw erage load.of g t z Poundsefsgeloqdg!9r2p utahoul ru?turng,