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Sacramento Valley Lumb%men's Club Picnic '/
One of the most enjoyable meetings of the Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club was held on Saturday June 2L when'they had their summer picnic at beautiful McKinley Park, Sacramento.
After the luncheon, there was a short business session presided over by L. H. Chapman, president of the club. Applications for membership from White Brothers and J. E. Higgins Lumber Co., both prominent hardwood concerns of San Francisco, were read and admitted to membership in the club. The following telegram was sent to the lumbermen at San Diego where they had assembled for the annual picnic of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association: "Members and ladies of the Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Association in picnic assembled, send greetings and best wishes from Sacramento the Heart of California to the lumbermen of the South at San Diego. Hope that you have a big day and that we may m-et together at Calaveras Grove in August."
The day was ideal for picnicking and an excellent lunch was served under the shade of the large spreading trees. During the luncheon, a radio concert was enjoyed and a vote of thanks was tendered the Kimball-Upson Co., for their courtesy of installing the radio which provided such dn excellent entertainment.
C. H. Dunton, of the Land Department of the California National Bank, Sacramento, was then introduced and he gave an excellent talk on the World Mining Congress that will be held in Sacramento in September. He said that there would be 3000 delbgates at this Conference. Mr. Dunton also spoke on the development of California and referred to the.part that had been taken by the lumbermen in its progress. M. C. Doane, San Jose; Bert Neylan, San Francisco; and H. C. Clark, Los Angeles, spoke on market conditions. A. B. Wastell, San Franiisco, give an interesting talk on lumber conditions throughout the State and also told of the proposed meeting of the lumbermen of the State at Calaveras Grove at some time during the month of August.
The next meeting of the Club will be held the third Sattrrday in September.
The following were in attendance at the meeting:
East San Diego Yard Changes Hands
M". J. M. Yoeman, better known among his lumbermen friends as "Mon," has bought the Boulais-Rart Lumber Company, at East San Diego.

Mr. Yoeman has been connected with the Whiting Mead Commercial Company, for some years.
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