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"Boost Small Homes" Says Manufacturer
We have a letter from a leading lumber manu{acturer, in which he makes the following pertinent suggestion:
"The torvns which are doing the business today are the torvns in which the retailers and contractors are buildirrg homes which can be sold for $4,000 and less. There is a tremendous demdnd for this kind of home and there isn't any reason why they cannot be built in any locality. One trouble is that the average contractor has been working on better homes for so long he has forgotten that houses can be built and put on the market for around $4,000. In this day of specialized building one of the causes of advanced building costs is the fact that builders have gotten away from stock sizes and stock patterns. I suggest you urge through your publications the selling of building material in the shape of modest, low-priced homes."
We agree strongly rvith the gentleman quoted. He says further that the lumber manufacturing associations should send out plenty of plans of homes such as he suggests, .using stock sizes and patterns, and keeping the idea of low cost in mind at all,times, and believes that cooperation between mills, dealers, and cont,ractors along this line, will do the business this vear.