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lO'4.,LOYear ROOtrSJ
t\- , Elter Contra'ct bq-9 -Ibe PToNEEN IhPER-Co. rn..-
For thirty-five ycar3 the PIONEER PAPER COMPANY, Inc., har manufactured felt and arphalt roofingr. ln the PIONEER TEN AND TWENTY YEAR ROOFS the rkill of manufacture, the expcriencc of ycarr end thc 6ncrt of matcrialr are interwovcn to produce a product that will etand rupreme in durability, aconomy and beauty.
PIONEER TEN AND TWENTY YEAR ROOFS erc guaranteed for thc full tcrm of thc contnct' ,Thcy will bc ke,pt in a watertight condition by the PIONEER PAPEif CO. Inc., without cxpcnte to the owncr, wbei epplied by en authorizcd roofing contrrctor end approvcd by thc PIONEER PAPER COMPANY, Inc.