1 minute read
Age not Euaranteed-so*ii'{:::trd for 20 years-some less.
A Horse Doctor Preferred
One of my pet storieg for many years, and I still think one of the funniest of all nigger stories I have known, is that of the old darkey who wae takerr suddenly ill, and asked his wife to get him a "hoss doctah" right quick.
"A hoss doctah l" exclaimed his wife in amazement. "Shorely you doan want a hoss doctah t You wants a man doctah."
"No mam, Ah don't. Ah wants a hoss doctah. Dats what Ah wants, an Ah wants him speedy."
f,.Rrv Bour,to Boor* t.Rrv Loosr Lrrr 8oorl. tr.Rey SuTEnrNr & Accoux" Lruorra
X.Rry Srocr Racoro Sysurg.
X-Rry Inorxrno.
Rrrrp Frnr MAcErxr Booxxarrtro Lrocrrt.
Reern Frn PsnrrruAr. Ixvlrrorr Syrurl.
Rrrro Frnr fxorxrno.
Rrorux Qurcx Rglengrcl Nrnr lrorl.
\eoruu Suonr Accouxr Loost Lur Lrocru.
Ilnusxr Racr LEDGBn RTNDEa& t'But Sam," eaid the puzzled wife, "how come you wants a hoss doctah, stead of a man doctah?" t'Hoss doctahs knowg mo dan man doctahs," he declared. "\f,/hen you calls a man doctah, h9 comes in an asts you a whole lot ol questions befo he knows whats you trouble. When a hoss gets sick an you calls in a hoss doctah, he doan have to ast the hoss d lot of questions befo he knows whats his trouble. The hoss doctah has got to know whats the trouble widout astin. Dats the kin' of doctah Ah wants. One what knows widout astin what the trouble is. So you go an git me a hoss doctah."
AnJ usro 'I'ray lJuiucrs.
X-Rrr Postrro C,$rnrr'
Specurno Suplr.v Cxecr Sontlr.
Snvrrus Vrurr Teucx & LEDcEt R,rcE
Srsrr. Trucxs, Cotr ,rxo Dooxs.
F.Er,s Mrrcnrxr Boorxnrrxo Drsxg
Dororr Cgrrrrs.
2f9 V. Soventh SL TRrrrrr 9159