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Lumber Industries Await San Diego Harbor Improvement
J. !1t. Scflo4 Gives List of Firms Applying for Tidctand Sites If Reclamation Bondr Are Vbtcd; eity Would Collcct $43,000 Annually, Is Estimatc He Makcs
-from the San Diego "IJnion."
_ Extensive, development of the lumber industry on ths San Diego harbor -front, with an annual reuende to the city of approximately 943,000, will be undertaken in the near future, if $250,000 in bonds for the reclaiming of tide-
Willapa Lurnbcr Co.
, Whcclcr Lumber Co,
TACOMA BRAND lands between the foot of India and Eighth streets are voted at the approaching bond election, Joseph W. Sefton, harbor commissioner, announced last night.
All of the lands to be reclaimed have been spoken for, the harbor commissioner said, and leases will be recommended to the city council as soon as the bonds have carried. The establishment of many big lumber concerns on this part of the water front means, Mr. Sefton explained, that the city will reap about 18 or 20 percent annually on its investment.
Concerns listed as having applied for leases are:
Western Lumber company.
Sutlivan Hardwood Lumber company.
San Diego Lumber company.
Russ Lumber company.
Big Jo Lumber company.
Other Companies
It is the intention of these concerns, most of which already have plants here, greatly to improve and enlarge their properties. Many thousands of dollars will be spent in the improvements, Sefton says.
Doorr Finirh Mldsr.
"All of the lumber leases run out in 1925," l're commented. "Some of these leases overlap, and it is our intention to straighten them out, along our general plan of harbor development. When the bay is dredged at this point and the tidelands filled in, the luml>er concerns will have 22 feet of water for lumber shipments. They intend to establish the most up-to-date plants."
Revenue of $43,000
The rental which the city rvould receive under this proposed plan would be about $30,000 a year, an amount many times greater than is being collected from the lumber concerns. The franchise tax levied by the city auditor would add about $13,000.
Mr.. Sefton believes the bonds for the harbor imorovements'will carry, when the people realize what they are to get for their investment.
In addition to the $250,000 for the dredging and filling the people will be asked to vote $200,000 for the comple-- tion of municipal pier No. 2.