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426-128-430 Santa Marina Building ll2 Market Street San
Specialtice Hunboldt by handsome but transparent partitions, and the general tone of the offices are extremely inviting.
There is a "welcome at the door" as there should be in every successful business office, and the visitor is made to feel that he is welcome, and that there is someone interested in him, the minute he enters the door:.
And THAT is the bigggest secret of modern office operating.
Fred Conner And Wife Will Take Long Vacation
Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Conner, of Sacramento, will leave in a few days for a two months vacation in the Pacific Northwest, and Canada. Until they return Mr. Conner will give no thought to his business future, but in October they will return to California and will probably locate in Southern California.
ARIZONA RETAILER SUMMERING AT SAN DIEGO practice of shipping nearly nothing else but rvhat is known in the trade as "wheelbarrow" parcels. IIARDWOOD FTOORI MAPLE -BEECH. BIRC H . OAK
Mr.J. G. O'Malley, president of the O'Malley Lumber Company, Arizona, with his family, is spending the summer at San Diego.