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Retail Lumber Dealer Opinions Regarding the Packing of Red Cedar Shingles
Approximately 7l/o of 3500 or more deaters from all parts of the country prefer the twenty-five courses to the bundle, four bundles to the M (or what is known as "Thousand"), and the remaining D/o favor what is known as "Square" pack, or twenty courses to the bundle, ,four bundlel to cover 100 square feet of surface when laid 5" to the weather, five bundles to the M.
Many dealers beside mentioning specifically the method of pack preferred made additional comments, atl of which are quoted below by States.
"Thousand pack, cheapest way."
"Present packing suits us, 4 bundles to the 'M'."
"250 to Bunch same old way."
" tM' pack every time.t'
"Makes no difference, we cdn sell them either way with no trouble."
"Don't make much difference to us which way, but if majority says'Square' we will fall in line."
"One member of our. firm wants square pack and the other 'M'."
"Trade prefers 'M', personally we prefer square."
"Would much rather see square based on 4l inch instead of 5 inch €xposure as no shingles are put on 5" exposure in this territory."
"Squars-xnd have bought nothing else for over a year."
"'We don't particularly care if it is made only one way or the other and the other eliminated."
"Square, if adopted generally by all manufacturers." While the manner in which Cedar Shingles are packed is by far secondary to the quality of manufacture, neatness of bundles, selection of timber, etc., it has nevertheless been a subject upon which many differences of opinion have arisen and upon which numerous heated arguments have resulted during the past few years. It was therefore for the purpose of discovering how the majority of retail lumber dealers preferred shingles bundled that the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau, in co-operation with the National Retail Lumber Dealers.Association asked the retail trade through each state and regional association to express their individual views upon return printed post cards, the result of which survey is given herewith.