1 minute read
Callfornla Panel and Veneer Company Bultdlng New Ofrce and lVarehouse
There are a lot of pcoplc connectcd with thc lumbcr buriness in Southern California who are not talkinc about "slow business." Onc of thcrc in particular is -Howell Baker, head of the California Pancl &-Veneer Company, of Los Angeles.Mr. Baker announceE that thcy havi stiited the construction of a big new modern warehouse and office- building in connection with their present warehouse, and replacing their present offices. The new warehouee will give them practically double the warehouse space they have at present, and -much larger and more corirmodioui ottlces, two Btory in character.
"Our business so far this year has been almost exactly the same as our business for the first six months ol 1925, and it is holding up splendidly," says Mr. Baker.

He is one of these "Buginess is good-we make it good,' sort of business men.
Accounting Firm Issues Book On 1924 Tax Laws
Mclntosh & Cowan, Certified Public Accountants, of Seattle, Portland and Los Angeles, have just issued a comprehensive booklet dealing witn the ig74 In.o^e Tax Laws. ft contains a cornplete digest of the laws governing taxes to individuals as well as corporations and 6rms, and is a book that should be in the hand-s of every business man.
Copies can be obtained, with Mclntosh & Cowan's compliments, by applying at any of their offices.
When you're building your house take a warning from meDon't alter or change anything that you see t When once you've agreed on the cost of the place, Go out of the city and don't show your face To the mason, the plumber, the carpenter's crew, For the things they call "extras" will paralyze you.
Should you say: "Put a hook here to hang up my hat." You'll find as an "extra" they've charged you for that. Should by chance you remark to the boss: "Do you think The gas range should stand where you're putting the sink." He will say with a smile: "That's a very good change"But that's twelve dolars "extra" for moving the range.
Should you fancy white paint where you've ordered it blue, Right gladly they'll smear on the white stuff for you; But they've somewhere in hiding a man who keeps books, Who counts up the nails and the bolts and the hooks, And seeing white paint where the plan called for blue, He puts down an "extra" and bills it to you.
That man is a marvel. He eats not, nor sleeps, So strict an account of your orders he keeps. Should you change but the type of the hinge on a door, That goes down as an "extra" and costs so much more. So when building a house alter nothing you see, And beware of these "extras" which bankrupted me.
-Edgar A. Guest.