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The Fresno District Hoo-Hoo
By Mr. H. E. Verble, Snark
We have not been able to accomplish in lfoo-Hoo, all that we had planned in th'e past year, but I suppose that we should not complain. We held a very successful Concat__on January l9th, at which 41 Kittens took the trip to Hoo-Hoo land.
_ Our plans for a Concat on May 30th, at the Logging Camp of Sugar Pine Company, faiied on account of strict quarantine measures then in effect. We also had planned for one or two nice parties, but they had to be called off on account of quarantine restrictions. For the future, we plan the organization of th,e Hoo-Hoo Club for Fresno, and hope before the year is over, that we may be able to hold the Concat at the Logging Camp of the- Sugar Pine Company.
I believe that Hoo-Hoo holds in store for we of the Lumber Industry, a great deal, if we will only apply ourselves and really' make an investment in it. Ii is -said that we get out of an investment, a r,eturn in proportion to the amount invested. Consequently, it is nlcessary for the individual membership to put the best they have irito it. As
Catholic school erected h l87O nout being dkmantled fo7 its sound
I have above stated, we have been somewhat handicapped here this year,-but hope during the coming year conditibns ma-I be more favorable t_o our-doing muc6 io promote the welfare and. interest of Hoo-Hoo ahong the Lumber Industry of this district.
Personally,_I-believe that Hoo-Hoo is indispensable to the Lumber Industry, because it provides a -edium upon which ye gay_all meet for a common purpose; that' of promoting "health, happiness and lone life.,t
T!: follo.wing stanzi-might be exprissive of our conditron rt we dld not have some means of providing a diversion. "If -your nose is close to. the grindstotr. rougE, And. you hold it down there l-ong enough, " In time you yi]l- say there is no iuch th"ing, as Brooks that babble, and birds that sing. These three will all the world compose":
Just you and the ston,e, and your darned old nose.,,
. The San. Diego Hoo-Hoo Club Number Nine, who have been meetjng regularly Wednesday noon of each week, nave oecldecl to have a summer recess, and to abandon their luncheon meetings until some timi i" S.pt.mUer.---
Father torn down for the Redwood lumber it contains.