1 minute read
There is No Substitute for Friendship
We believe that we have one of t'he finest organizationr, from a man-power rtandpoint, to be found in the lumber producing indurtry.
Added to this, our three planta have been built with the knowledge that they must meet todaytr requirements. One of our plantr ic practicdly new, the other two bave been remodeled and rebuilt, and are capable of filling the moot exacting demands.
To these two elements-a working. force intererted and educated in t[e buginess of giving you the lurnber you want, operating m,achiner5r built and inrtalled to incure the high€st perfection in lumber producta; we add a relection of timber; a rigid inspection; and a decire for your continued orderrt'his year, next year, and ten years from today.
We are building for the future.