2 minute read
Afrer All-\f,/hat
Is the Basis of a Successful Retail Ltrmber BtLsiness?
TOOK into the business methods of the lumber
I .,retailers who are consistently makin$ the most money and you will find all of them a$reed on one essential Point at least-
Their first consideration is to take care of their regular customers-to let nothin$ stand in the way of delivering to their contractor and carpenter friends, timJ after time, the same uniform $rades they have become accustomed to- when all is said and done, you will find that the majority of contractors, carpenters and builders are more interested in a dependable supply of the types and grades of lumber they hry-g been usin$ fot yeuts than they are in "new findsr" or "bargain prices.tt
Such a simple proposition that ii is no wonder some retailers have overlooked it in their search for startling sellin$ points, new kinds of lumber or bar$ain offers.
The retailers who tealize this have lon$ a$o put their own buying methods on a basis that enables them to give theii steady customers this dependable service. Rather than shopping all around for doubtful bargains these retailers get the bulk of their supplies from a fewgood, responsible manufacturers. Flence their stocks are uniform and always saleable in their community. And they don't have many worries with the "boneyard" evil. fHE Weyerhaeuser organization has I been making lumber for 65 years. Many of the managers, euperintendents and foremen of today are men who worked with the founders of this businese. Their experience and the experience accumulated by 65 yeare ofmanufacturing is reflected in the quality of the productc produced. The photograph above ehows Erneat Johnson, yard foreman of the Cloquet Lumber Company and Northern Lumber Company. fle has been connected with Weyerhaeuser Cloquet companies for 36 yearr-and 25 of those in the capacity of vardforeman.
GOOD many years ago 'Weyerhaeuser men realized that the greatest thing in the lumber business, manufacturing or retail, was the establishment of permanent customers. Out of this grew the first and foremost policy of the Weyerhaeuser mills-that of making high-quality, uniform lumber and delivering it to the retailer in saleable condition. The success of this policy is best expressed by the large and increasing number of permanent customers which the'Weyerhaeuser mills take pleasure in serving.

The 'Weyerhaeuser mills are able to carryout this polioy, because theyhave the necessary tirnber resources, and logging and manufacturing facilities couptea wit[ a sincere desire to serve.
I F your buying connec- I tions are not an aid to you in building up permanent castorners of. your own get in touch with the Weyerhaeuser representative. Talk the matter over with him. FIe isn't out in the field merely to sell lurnber. He is there to help 'Weyerhaeuser customers build a steady, profitable business.
That is why the'Weyerhaeu. sef man is interested in lour local conditions. That is whv he makes it his business to know goar local demands and to help y o u meet those demands qlomptly and profitably. The Weyerhaeuser representative is a business man picked because he has these qualities.
He can be reached bya letter or wire to our nearest branch office. He will be glad to talk to you.