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A Good Universal Form
The Boyd Lumber & Mill Company, at Santa Barbara, is using a very good printed form for their estimates, invoices, cash orders, and dray slips, using one base form for all of them, and designating the variods kinds by the use of difierent colored paper, and by the insertion, at the top of the words, t'Invoice," "Credit," "Cash Ticket," etc.
This system, of course, effects a considerable economy in the preparation of their printed matter, and is one that could be used to advantage by other yards.
The form pictured herewith, is the one used in the office for memorandums, small estimates, etc., and is printed on yellow stock, bound in pads, and with no numbers.
Their cash tickets have the word CASH at the top, are pginted on the same form, and are numbered, in the space in the center, at the bottom. These are bound in duplicate, and on a different colored stock.
The credit slips are designated by the rvord the top, are also numbered, and printed on These are in duplicate.
For their charge and delivery form, they use paper. the same
E. K. lVood Lumber Co.
N. W. Bank Bldg. Portland, Ore.
We Specialize in Grays Harbor OID GROWTII YELLOW FIR Finish and Vertical Crrain Fnooring. If you like extra good quElity Rcd Cedar Shingles we can fundsh tbem.
Fruit Growers Supply Company
Manufacturere of C-alifornia White and Sugpr Pine Lumbcr Millr at Suranville and Hilt' CaL
150,(X)O,OOO Fcet AnDual Cepacily
B. W. ADAMS, Mgr. Salee Dcpt. First National Bank Bldg. - San Francirco lay-out, but have these printed in quadruplet, each a difierent color, and numbered. The original is used for their permanent office copy, one is used as a drayage receipt, the next one is the customers dray ticket and original invoice, and then the fourth sheet is sent as a duplicate invoice, at the end of the month. rvith the statement.
I\Ir. Francis Boyd, manager of the Boyd Lumber & Mill Company states that they have found this system of great advantage in its simplicity, and that they have found it a great economy in time, cost of preparation, and in the time consumed in their bookkeeping department.
2j7 S. Central Aae. - Loi Angeles hu bccn rppointcd crclurivc rgGnts ia Southcra Crlifornir for tlc dirtributioa of 'NO-$'EIGHT" Window Sprin3r. A highly ntirfrctory rci3htlco rindor dcvicc. Dcrcriptivc foldcr on rGqrrG.t
The t{oWeigh' Whdow Sping Co.
J. A. Genehl, Gco. M3r. Lor Algclcr
Five Big Merchandising Thoughts
A famous merchant says tlrat the following five policies are respohsible for his success:
Changing advertisements often.
Making advertisements really advertise something. Getting acquainted with customers and keeping acquainted with them.
Going to extremes to keep faith in every way with the trade.
Going out of the way to deal squarely with everybodv.