4 minute read
San Francisco Has Big Paint and Cleanup Campaign
"With broom and brush and paint galore, And elbow grease in mighty store, All folks will do whate'er they can To make the city spick and span."
Such is the slogan inscribed on the banner of "Queen P"ggy," who, in the person of Miss Peggy Chamberlain, has been selected by the committee of activities as the regal representative of the spirit of the community in the Clean Up and Paint Up campaign.
There are no shirkers; every one is a worker.
San Francisco spread ,itself on its campaign last year, but it is putting it,all over that record this year, judging by the enthusiasm that is being displayed in carrying out plans which \vere prepared in advance of the campaign. Proclamation by Mayor Acting lVlayor Ralph McLeran has issued a proclamation, and the campaign is marked by cooperation by the Fire Department, Police Department, School Department and other branches of the municipal government, such as the Board of Public Works.
beau school, all boys have become "rvhite rvings" for a rveek.
Clubs Give Aid
District Improvement Clubs are actively aiding-the-work of cleaning up their respective districts, rvhile the downtown clubi and business-associations are giving their support in every way possible to help the committee il ca-rrying out its ftans. 'Women's clubs and other 9rga1iz1lions a.E giling unstinted suPPort. I\Iiss Jean Parker McEwen i s cairying the c ampai gn m es sase.i1.,:"tj<;};
Resolutions urging the city to set aside an aF propriate fund to emPloY more men to clean streets and thereby set an example to the people have been adopted by the San Francisco Labor Council.
Newspapers Help
The San Francisco Chronicle says:
"With all these agenbeen enlisted in the work of cleaning up by Police Chief Daniel J. O'Brien, who has called upon them to enforce all existing State and local sanitary laws, declaring that rvhile it is the duty of every officer to see that these laws are enforced the year round, there will be a special effort to emphasize the duty of every citizen to combat civic carelessness.
Plan Year Round Campaign
Supervisor Angelo Rossi, chairman of the campaign committee is working incessantly to make the campaign a success, and already
All police officers have plans are being made for a permanent committee to carry on the Clean Up and Paint Up rvork during the entire year.
Fire Chief Thomas R. Murphy has concerned himself in ordering the removal of all debris and rubbish from vacant lots and buildings, declaring that such debris forms one of the city's most serious fire hazards.
70,000 Students Help Campaign pledges w:ere taken by 70'000 school children, and 2,000-teacheis inaugurated a program of instruction under the direction of Superintendent of Schools Joseph Marr Gwinn and Assistant Superintendent A. J. Cloud. Special prizes are being offered to students to stimulate them in the work.
In this campaign, the girls are acting as."scouts" and .rporting the places needing attention. At the Rocham- cies at rvork, backed by the individual industry of all residents generally in cleaning up and paintlng up there can be no doubt that as a resull of-the Cl-an Up campaign, San Francisco u'ill come through rvith a fresh and beautiful completion that will outshine the school girl complexion of legendary fame."
Th-e camiaign committee is headed by Supervisor Angelo Rodsi as general chairman; Miss Jean Parker McEwen, vice-chairman; Supervisor John A. McGregor, treasurer, and Mrs' S'J' Hayes' secretary'
The San Francisco newspaPers are $vlng the campaign splendid support, printing cartoons of scrubbing pails, brushes, tools, brooms and paint pots.
Reports filed by members of the committee rvith the general office disclose that every district is entering into the spirit of Cleaning Up and Painting Up.
"Now that the job of making San Francisco a cleaner and more beautiful city is well started, citizens must realize th* it is their duty to keep the good rvork going all the year round," says a statement issued by Supervisor Angelo J. Rossi.
(Tn'o good paint ails for the Retail Lumber Dealo\
A Clean Face for the Town
Help it smile a welcome to the "stranger in our midst"-help it become a more pleasant place to live in.
Your House, Now It's Easy to Add
50% to 2OVo to 30% to Appearance Value Life its its its
Put a fresh, clean attractive dress on your house that will make you proud to walk up to it and say: "That's MY home."
Protect i1-savs repairs-P[lNT IT.
Your taste in color will be satisfied and your desire for efficiency met with our large stocks of high-grade Paints, Stains and Varnishes.
[Dealer's Name and Address]l
Lumberman Runs off With Trap Shooting State Tournament in Arizona
W. M. Cady, Jr., of Flagstaff, Arizona, a newcomer in that state, and manager of the Flagstaff sawmills of the W. M. Cady Lumber Company, sprung a surprise on the Arizona Sportsmens Association trap shooting contest on July 7th, r,r'hen he broke 98 targets from 'the 2l yard line, out of a possible 100, winning the contest. He also took a silver loving cup presented by the Jerome Gun Club for the highest averag'e, breakirrg 520 out of a possible 550. He took the medal events as r,vell, breaking 330 out of 350.
by giving it a proper drese with our high-grade Paints-staining and varnishing the interior wood work-oiling and waxing foors.
You may not want to build a NEW homs now, but you can make the old home LOOK LIKE NEW at a surprisingly small cost.
Step in and get a color card and put it up to the "Family Council" tonight.
[Dealer's Name and Address]
A Classical Gem On Printing
CoI. Robert G. Ingersoll, that peerles's orator and statesman, has contributed this impressiae parugraph to his many other imperishable thoughts and zuords:
In l44l printing was discovered. At that time the past was a vast cemetery with hardly an epitaph. The ideas of men had mostly perished in the brain that produced them. The lips of the human race had been sealed. Printing gave pinions to thought. It preserved ideas. It made ir possible for man to bequeath to the future the riches of his brain and the wealth of his soul. When people read they begin to reason, and when they reason they progress.