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Who Is Eligible to Hoo-Ffoo?
Read the Revised Rules
One of the most important actions of the House of Ancients and Supreme l.iine was the revision of Clause No. 3 of the By-Laws of the Order, relating to eligibility for membership.
After lengthy consideration and discussion, the -question devolved upon- two '1v61d5-"tumbey'' and "wood"-a5 fhs basis of determining eligibility. It was unanimously agreed that Hoo-Hoo was-founded as a lumber org-anization and that its membership must come from those having the lumber business as their personal occupation.
Past Snark of the lJniverse W. S. Dickason proposed the revised clause which finally was unanimously adopted and which clearly defines those eligible. It is complete and specific. In -order that district officers and members -may thoroughly understand, the old clause and the revised article are set forth.
The Old Clause No. 3.-Lumbermen who are engaged in the sale or manufacture of timber and logs, or the manufacture or sale at wholesale or retail of primary forest products (such as lumber,. lath, shingles, ties, posts, piling, poles, staves, heading, boxes, sash, doors and millwork), either al owtlers, officers, managers of departments, general superintendents, sales managers or salesmen.
The Revised Clause
No. 3.-Lumbermen: Those who are engaged in tbc manufacture or sale, at wholesale or retail, of lumber' logs' lath, shingles, ties, posts, piling, pol6, 3tav6, beading' boxes, sash, doors and millwork, either as rr.rnerE, oftccrs or managers of departments; and sdes managers or salesmen of lumber, latF, shingfes and millwck
Vicegerent Snarks and other district officers should find no diffi-ulty in determining just who is eligible to membership, a careful perusal of the new clause being all that is necessary as a guide in passing upon applications.
Active membership is defined in Clause No.2, as follows:
The membership of this Order shall bc limid to wbitc male persons of full age of twenty-one (21) yean, of good moral character, who are .identificd with one or more of the following business classifications: Lumbcrmco fo'resters, officers of hunber associations, lumbcr tradc prcse and newspaper men; and so deftritd sball thc line of clarsiCcation be drawn in each division tbat thc rmdcr which persons apply for mcmbcrship chall bc thcir main c principd occupation, and it shdl be thc business Ecognizcd in the community in which the applicant r,csidcs as his pincipd vocation.
-In Clauses 4, 5 and 6, the various classifications for active membership are strictly specified, as follows:
No. 4.-Foresters: This class shril inqlufls those pcr-