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Ther e's Mone y in this K.irchen CLOSET LINING for YOU
-90 Pcrcent or More Red Heart -1OO
Percent Oil Content
Gcnuinc Tcnncucc Arornatic Rcd Ccdar, eccurrtcly nrnufacturcd, totrguc and groovcd end cnd metchcd. Cortr no morc thpn uaknown brandr. Mrdc by Gcorgc C. Brown & Co, Mcmphir, world'r lergcrt menufacturcr of Tcnna.toc Aronrtic Rcd Ccder.
Scelcd in doublc-facc 6bri board crrtonr rgrinrt durt, did, drnpncr or danagc in rhipping or .torr8c.
For circular and quotation
THE modern way to sell casework is to handle it com, plete, just rul you would doors.You never sell just the material for a door-why sell just the material for all new built,in conveniences? Sell them complete. The Pennr.rss line of built,in furniture consists of more thin 80 diferent units. Every one of t"hem is popular and a god seller. We give exclusive agencies.
Vrite for t9z6 Caulog ond &ola proposition,
This unique bungalow home of semi-English design, created as a model home to be built for display, refects so many attractive features that it cannot help but ma&e strong appeals.

The compactness of the room arrengement and array of modern conveniences all built in the rooms in the most practical space, shows what can be developed to make a home ultra mod. efn.
This is one of the'latest creations ftom the architectural service of Lumberments Service Association.