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The \AArld's LorgestHorol Chose this Waad "for Sash %
6l nCUtffCTS and builders of the world's lareesr C./L 1'to,"1, the new Horel Stevens in Chicago, mide studied choice of materials for its construction. Durable Douglas Fir was selected for its frames and sash, For its sash they chose Long-Bell durable Douglas Fir and to them went two car loads, 60,000 board feet cut to length, to make the sash for this famous hostelry.
frames and Long-Bel[ Douglas Fir has proved its excellence of manufacture and seasonins to many abuyer.
In new buildings and in the remodeline of old buildings,,Long-Bell Douglas.Fir is beinglsed ex. tenslvely for maklng sash ancl trames, and, too, Long-Bcll Douglas Fir window and door frames have found increasing country-wide acceptance. 'Write for further descriptive literature, or consult a Long-Bell sales representative.
Douglas Fir has proved its satisfaction for sash and THE LONG,BELL LUMBER COMPANY
Long'Bldg. Lumbetmen since 1875 Kansas Citv,Mo.