2 minute read
Bill Sampson Makes His Bow as Screen Manufacturer
_ "Sampson screens are strongest" is the slogan of Bill Sampson, who is making his bow to the lumbei trade as a manufacturer of screen doors. window screens and roller screens. He has just bought over an interest in the Pasadena Screen Company of Pasadena, and the new concern will operate under the name of W. A. Sampson.
The Pasadena Screen Company has been operating since 1906 under the ownership of John B. Dodge, catering exclusively to the highest class of trade in the Pasadeni ter- ritory. The new policy of the concern will be strictly
It's hard enough to profit at present lumber prices without paying the extra overhead that results from hand piling. Put a
Hilke Piler
(Prt'd. ln U. S. ud Cueda) on the job and half the costs of hand piling will be converted into your savings ! More than that-it saves on spacg on alley upkeep, and on roof boards and pile bases. Piling is done better. Drying is quicker and more thorough. The economies of the Hilke Piler should be yours our representative will gladly tell you. how to gain them.
Murry Jacobs Co.
52t Firrt Avc. So. - Scrttlc Pctled Su Frudrco f.a ArtlcLt Ncw Orlp-r Mrintrctrnad by Jdnro Mtt. Co. Sattt, }VuL.
Bill Sampsott
wholesale only, and they will deal entirely through the retail lumber and sash and door dealers and established distributors in California and Arizona. The plant of W. A. Sampson is modern in every detail and equipped with the latest designs in machinery. Every man in the factory and in the field has had years of experience in the manufacture of screens. Sugar pine is used exclusively in all their products, and both scieen doors and window screens are assembled with hardwood dowels. This plant has been manufacturing roller screens, which are becoming more popular every day, for the past fifteen years, and they are using many features in their rollCr screens that are exclusively their own.
Bill Sampson has been connected with the screen business in Los Angeles for the past twenty years, and during that time he was with the Hipolito Company. For the past several years he was sales manager for that concern. As in the past, he will call on the lumber and sash and door dealers in the California and Arizona territory.
Oakland Lumber Firm Retires
The Nelson Lumber Company, 3501 San Pablo Avenue, Oakland, has retired from business. The yard will be dismantled very shortly and a hotel will be built on the prop- erty. Hill & Morton, Inc., Oakland wholesalers, sold the Stock.
J. L. Frudden, owner of the American Lumber pany,'Hollywood, Cal., has gone to Dubuque, Iowa six weeks vacation.
Comfor a
5" focd without nrbbin3 or ovcrLcrtir3. Thc rucccrful pcrformencc of Sinoadr Srwr, Knivcr rnd Filcr ir duc to tLc fict thet thcy erc brcLcd by Sinoadr nrnufrcturir3 crpcricrec of ncerly. cGrturt f.or Angclct Calif. San Frrncirco, Celif.
\f,f,cn ordcring rpccify Sinondr Phncr Srw for rmoothcr cuttin3. Do not ecccpt r tubrtitutc.