6 minute read

Second Unit of Weyerhaeuser's Huge Four Unit Milling Plant Prepares to Start at Longview,

The Weyerhaeuser Timber Company is putting the last finishing touches on its seco.nd unit sawmill at Longview, Washington, and will have the mill in operation before the first of August.

There will be two more units, both well under construction way, and both of which will be in operation by fall of this year. When completed this great four unit plant will be one of the two outstanding lumber manufacturing institutions of the world's history. Interesting it is that the other high ranking milling plant stands right alongside of it at Longview-the famous Long-Bell two units. The combined capacities of the Weyerhaeuser and Long. Bell plants at Longview, something in the neighborhood of three and a half to four million feet daily, rvill be solnething to make the lumber world gasp.

The second Weyerhaeuser unit, just preparing to start, is very much different in equipment and manufacturing system from the first, rvhich has been in operation for nearly two months. The first unit is a western break-down type mill, devoting its tremendous energies principally to the manufacture of logs 48 feet in length, and 26 inches and over in diameter. It is equipped with a l0-foot single

TT7 I ' Washin$ton

cutting break-down headrig, and two 8-foot double cutting band mills. Unit No. 2 has no break-down headrig, its log cutting equipment being three 9-foot double cutting band headrigs, two resaws, two gangs, and a flock of edgers and trimmers. The floor space of the two mills, No. I and No. 2 are the same.

Mill No. 2 will cut shorter and smaller logs, generally speaking, than mill No. 1.

Mill No. 3 is lvell under constructioh also. One double cutting band and a resaw make up its equipment. This mill will mostly saw Cedar, Hemlock, and mixed woods, in short length logs.

Unit No. 4 will be a very large and wonderfully equipped shingle mill. It will be the last mill finished, and will be running in the coming fall. l\Iill No. 3 will be operating about Sept. 1st.

These mills will cut from a stand of some forty billion feet of timber which Weyerhaeuser has been holding for this purpose for many years.

The Long-Bell city of Longvierv will have its payroll and potential possibilities hugely increased by the coming of this mighty Weyerhaeuser institution.

The Continental Shipping Co. Mrs. Angeline Woods Ltd. Enter Export Field

The Continental Shipping Company Ltd. have established offices at 555 Dunsmuir, Vancouver, B. C., where they are acting as Forwarding Agents and fnsurance and Customs Brokers. They are in close connections with a group of the leading agencies at various points in Great Britain and on the Continent of Europe. The company's aim is to develop and facilitate the shipment of consignments of all descriptions, large and small, between European points and the Pacific Coast and interior cities in Canada. Their business is confined to the transportation of both export and import parcels. Their cable address is "Continental." They have also organized a special lumber export department and are in a position to ship logs, lumber, doors and plywood everywhere.

Mrs. Angeline Woods, mother of W. H. "Bill" \Moods, formerly assistant sales manager of the Coos Bay Lumber Company, died at her son's home in Oakland, July 7.

Mrs. Woods, who was 81 years and seven months old. was a native of Iowa. She crossed the plains in a covered wagon, trriving in California in 1863, and made her home in Chico for many years past, and was spending the summer in Oakland. Mrs. Woods had a very wide circle of friends in California.


Fred V. Holmes, sales manager of the Holmes Eureka Lumber Co., San Francisco, returned from a 10-day visit to Los Angeles, July 13. Mr. Holmes spent this time in the company's Los Angeles office while W. G. Hamilton was on vacation.

Money To Invest

Experienced Millman wants to invest several dollars with services in paying and going mill yard. Box C-268 California Lumber Merchant.

thousand or lumber

Experienced Retail Lumberman Wants Position

Man, 49, wants light work. Owned and operated my qwn retail yard for 25 yearc. Best references as to integrity, responsibility, etc. R. F. Green, 914 Sacramento St., Vallejo, Calif.

Wanted Experienced Young Man

Wanted for Imperial Valley Yard an experienced young man as full charge bookkeeper, estimator and office man. Give experience and references first letter. Box C-27O, California Lumber Merchant.

Jimmy Atkinson Visits Portland

Jas. E. "Jimmy" Atkinson, of the rail department of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., San Francisco, left San Francisco July 8, by automobile for Portland to confer with Mark D. Campbell, head of the company's rail department. He will be away about two weeks, part of which time he will spend calling on various sawmills in the Willamette Valley.

Perry Dame Back On Coast

Perry A. Dame, Western sales manager of the Creo-Dipt Co., Inc., arrived in San Francisco, July 10, from the East. Mr. Dame has been spending some time at the company's home office in North Tonawanda, N. Y., and on his way to the Coast visited Kansas City, Tulsa, Okla., San Antonio, Tex., and Albuquerque, N. M.

After spending a day in San Francisco he left for Seattle where he expects to spend a week before returning to San Francisco.




Experienced man twenty years in Lumber-Sash and Doors-desires position as Estimator-salesman-Aecountant-either wholesale or retail business, no objection to leaving Los Angeles. Box C-271 Calif.ornia Lumber Merchant.

Redwood Manufacturer Returns From Southwest Trip

J. H. Holmes, general manager of the Holmes Eureka Lumber Co., arrived back in San Francisco July 1, from a six weeks' trip spent motoring through Southern California, Arizona and New Mexico. Mr. Holmes who'was accompanied by Mrs. Holmes and a party of friends visited among other attractions the Grand Canyon, Painted Desert of Arizona and Carlsbad Caves and made the. return trip through Utah and Nevada, visiting Lake Tahoe on the last lap of the journey.


The Beart Rogers Lumber C,ompany, formerly at 23?0 East Florence Ave., Los Angeles, is now located at 49L7 East Firestone Blvd., South Gate, California.

The Beart Rogers Lumber Company was incorporated several years ago by Beart Rogers and Wm. F. Connor who are both well known retailers in Southern California.

Western Lumber Manufacturers Ask Reduction Into Central Freight Association Territory

(Continued ing full use of the raw material in the woods and at the sawmill. "From thirty to thirty-five per cent of the timber, utilizable under eastern lumber conditions, is unavoidably left on the ground and destroyed in West Coast logging. Such waste commonly runs around 15,000 board feet per acre.t' |

Per capita lumber consumption, Greeley declared, reached'its high point in the year 1909 of 484 board feet and has declined sjnce to 316 board feet in 1924, the last , year for which studies are available. During the same period lumber substitutes increased on an average in productisn D4,4 per cent. Had the per capita consumption of 1909 been continued by 1924 it would have been 55 billion board feet instead of 36 billion, the amount used.

"The lumber industry is, and long will be," he testified, "the basic industry of ihe northern?acific-Coast, and the from Page 43) industry whose prosperity, or its lack, will more than all others govern the general prosperity of the Pacific Northwest. This is particularlv true since 60 per cent of the returns received from lumber represent wages paid in processes of logging and manufacture.

"We feel justified in emphasizing this point, in requesting freight rates that will open up larger rail markets because the pr,esent inability of the lumber industry to utilize its installed manufacturing capacity has a very vital bearing upon the general prosperity of the region, and especially upon the woods and mill labor which has been assembled ai these manufacturing establishm,ents and are dependent upon them for emplovment. The reduced employment of labor by the lumber industry in the Pacific Coast today, occasioned by the necessity for curtailing the production of lumber because sufficient markets are not available, is a serious problem."

Here is a Tradg-MArk

that mea{rono*y

for every lumber buyer. Long-Bell trade-marked lumber is so manufactured and seasoned that it goes into construction with minimum labor cost . . . d distinct econorn! to any builden r r r This is a sales point that dealers who sell Long-Bell trade-marked lumber products are using to advantage.


Beauty, minimum of labor in laying and durability are three imoortant qualiEcations of Lons-Bell irade-maiked oak flooring. -And, because of these qualities cconomy! The first-time user is almost iirvariably a repeat-customer, for exoerience proves its economy and sa'tisfactiori. Builders are finding Long-Bell trade-marked flooring a rrrost valuable home sales aid.


The Long-Bell King Door-the door that in a few short years has "set the style" in doors. Inset panel, flush moulding, waterproof glue, excellent workmanshipthis door, made throughout of California tVhite Pine, is sirong, beautiful and economical.


Lons-Bell Frames are made of soft text-ured, old growth yellow Douglas.Fir, with,heartwood predomrnatrng, provrdrng a sturcy, durable frame. The machine work is unexcelled. The precision of the workmanship as-sures faster and more accurite assemblv on tbe iob,.anitb tight fiuing joinn, Long-Bell Frames pledge maximzm construclion oalte,


Lumbermen sincc r875

Douglas Fir Lumber, Timbers, Door and Window Frames, Trimoak; Western tlemlock Lumber; \l/e6tem Red Cedar Siding aod Sbingles; Southen Pine Lumber and Timbers; Southern tlardwood Lumber and Tim. bers; Oak Flooring, tCELLized Oak Flooring Strips, *CELLized Oak Floor Planks, *CELLized Oak Floot Blocks: CaliforniaWhite Pine Lumber,Sasb and Doors, Box Shookst Creosoted Southem Pioe Lumber,Tim. bers, Pocts, Poles, Ties, Guard.Rail Posts, Piling.

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