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How Lumber Looks
Douglas Fil*321 mills reporting to the Vest Coast fnventories, as repotredby 144 mills decreased 121588'. O00 feet from the week ended Jane 21 and are 21.3 per cent less than at this time last year.
Lumbennents Association for the week ended July 2, opeated at 17.7 per cent of capacity, as comp:r.red to 20.5 per cetrt of capacity for the previous week. During the week 218 of these plants were repofred as down and 103 as operating.
Current new business of. 216 identical mills was 29.4 per cent over production. This gtoup reportd production approximately six and one-half million feet less than the previous week. Shipments for the weelc were 4O.9 pu cent over production. Unfilled orders decreased 1r891rOOO feet, new expoft business received was 11693ro00 feet rnone, and new domestic cargo orders werc 964rO00 feet over the volume repofrd for the previous week. New tail business decreased 1r113rOOO feet, while the local trade increased lrr2SrOOO from the previous week's business.
Prodriction, orders and shipments at these 226 mills f.ot the week ended June 25 were as follows: Production 44,' 692 rO29 feet ; Shipm ents 62 1947,626 f eet ; Orders 57 1842'664 feet.
The California lumber situation shows no changes and the demand during the first two weeks of July was light. Unsold stocks on the public docks at San Pedro for the week ended JuLy 6 totaled 41659rooo f*t. Cargo arrivals at this port for the week ended July 2 amounted to 7s 2O0,OOO feet, which included 9 cargoes of Fir. 48 lumber vessels were operating in the California service on July 2, with one vessel, the Missoula, operating in the intercostal trade; 63 vessels were laid up. ******
No marked change is apparent in the lumber mov€menl during the week ended July 2, as compared with recent re' porte and curtailed levels persisted, according to reports to dre National Lumber Manufacturens' Associatioq from regional manufacturerc associations covering the operations of 583 leading hardwood and sofrwood mills. These mills produced 9716821000 feet and received orders for 108'' 3131000 feet, .this new business exceeding the cut by "p- proximately 11 per cent. Shipments, 11Er864r000 feet, werc 22 per cent above the cut. A week earlier 655 mills reported production of.1191346,Oo0 feet, with orders 9 per cent above and shipments 11 pef, cent above production.
The Southern Pine Association for the week ended July 2 rcpottd new business from E8 mills as 1611971000 fea; shipments l7rg4ErOOO feet and production 16'466'000 f,eet, Orders were 2 per cent below production and 10 per cent below shipmetrts. Shipments were 9 per cent above production.
The Western Pine Association for the week reported new business from 95 mills as 24r549rOOO feet; shipments 27rl98rOOO feet and production 26,866,000 feet. Orders were 9 per cent below production and 10 Per cent below shipments. Shipments were 1 per cent above production.
184 hardwood mills gave new busin*s for the same week as 9,1161000 feet, or 4 per cent below production, and shipments 1OrO25rO0O feet, or 5 per cent above prcduction. Production was 915451000 feet.
The Cdifornia Redwood Association reported for the month of June orders received ftom 11 tnills as 1017011000 feet; orders on hand 161057'000 feet; shipments l2rtl5r' 000 feet and production 91856,O0O feet.
Details of orders and shipments for the month were as follows: Orders-Northern California 428L,OOO f.eeti Southern California 219611000 feet; Western 19Or0OO feet; Eastern trl26'OOO feet; Foreign 143rOOO feet. Ship' ments-Northern California 4,613,000 feet; Southern California 2,435,OOO feet; Western lT2rOOO feet; Eastern 4r925rOOO feet; Foreign 17O,OOO feet.