2 minute read

Demonstrate New System o[ California Bldg.-Loan Ass'ns P.y

\food House Construction Over $z,0OOrOoO to Investors

Seattle, Wash.-Archite,cts and builders of the Pacific Northwest were invited to see at Longview, Washington, on July 2, during the annual Rolleo, a demonstration of a new system of wood house construction designed to reduce home building'costs while reducing greatly the time necessary to complete the building.

As a demonstration of the system four carpenters under the direction of the Longview Forest Industries, erected a standard house, three rooms and bath, all ready for the plumbing, plaster and shingles, within less than an eighthour day.

This unusual speed in house 'construction, with its accompanying economies, is achieved entirely by pre-framing all joists, rafters, studding and plates, using dove-tailed joints, thus eliminating all fitting and sawing at the point of erection. The result is that all members of the frame slip into place snugly, with joints similar to those used by the Colonial carpenter but tapered by machinery working in seasoned lumber to a gauge block precision not possible in a hand-framed joint.

The ,co-ordinated system of pre-framed members permits more than three-fourths of the lumber entering into all usual house construction to be so framed at the mill that it requires no further framing or preparation at the building site, but is ready to slip into place in conformity with any desired plan. The only fixed requirement is that joist and stud spacing be at the standard spacing of 16 inches which is the usual architectural practice in dwellings of all sizes.

The whole system of interlocking fabricated frameworkthe inventors call it "enterlocking"-may be combined, because of standard pra,ctice, in any type of house construction usual to American architecture. Most of the basic members will be the same in a three-room house as in a twelve-room house and proportionate economies are expected to result from the new system to larger and smaller houses. Errors are impossible in erection as the structural members can be fitted, because of the tapered dove-tailing, but one way.

Los Angeles, June 3O.-California building and loan associations tomorrow will pay more than $7,000,000 to investors, as interest and dividends on investment ,certificates and membership shares, according to a statement issued by Neill Davis, Los Angeles, executive secretary of the California Building-Loan League.

Most of this money will be paid to residents of the State and will be immediately available for reinvestment and spending. It is pointed out this disbursement should materially increase retail business activity during early July.

There are approximately 600,000 investors in the State's 200 building and loan associations. The payment to be made tomorrow is pointed to by building and loan executives as indicative of the stability of these institutions which are paying regular returns despite retarded business conditions which have resulted in many business enterprises passing their dividends.

Throughout the United States building and loan associations will tomorrow pay out more than a quarter billion dollars to investors, there being approximately 12,0@,000 in the nation. One out of every ten persons will participate in this distribution.

"One of the problems of the construction industry," according to the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, "has been the high cost, compared with other things of individual home units. By furnishing inter,changeable parts on a mass production basis to builders, lumber manufacturers are taking a step which should result in important savings at the point of construction. This should result in more building and greater employment for ,carpenters and more use of wood in construction.

"Just now we are watching the effect of various movements back to the smaller communities and to the land, expecting a revival of small house construction to follow. The pre-framed lower cost and stauncher constru,ction house should be an important contribution to this movement, as well as to home ownership elsewhere."

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