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Effective Local Advertising Marks Lumbermen Seek Federal Aid in Remodeling Drive Regulating Production
Washington, July 9.-Among the drives in various cities to stimulate remodeling and repair work the campaign now being carried on in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, is attracting special attention because of its effective use of local advertising facilities. Newspapers, radio, and billboard space are being used extensively and to best advantage.
The May 25 issue of the Gazette and Republican carried a full section devoted to the repair and remodeling idea, sponsored by the Allied Construction Interests with the support of the Unemployment Relief Committee. This is being followed by a series of weekly advertising broadcasts. In these the various mer'chants tell how they are prepared to serve the community for such needs and the newspaper in its editorial material tells the advantages of having such work done at this time.
The Hawkeye Lumber and Coal Company is participating in this work-stimulating ,campaign, and O. T. Barry, President, is serving as chairman of the Repairs and Remodeling division of the Cedar Rapids Unemployment Relief Committee. The company is simultaneously promoting its own business aggressively. In addition to liberal newspaper space it has extensively used direct mail advertising facilities and has made effective use on a large scale of much of the advertising material prepared as a part of its dealer service by the National Lumber Manufa,cturers' Association.
According to a statement by the Journal, Portland, Ore., July 9, Oregon and Washington lumbermen have started the formation of a regulatorl' corporation to curtail production and prevent depletion of timber resources.
Federal aid will .be asked in forming the organization, and already Governor Meier of Oregon has asked Senator McNary to enlist the aid of Federal agencies and Governor Hartley of Washington has sent a similar request to Senator Jones.
Tentative plans for the organization of a Pacific Northwest Lumbermen's Regulatory Corporation have been drawn, and a committee to carry on the work of completing the organization has been appointed following a meeting of lumbermen in Tacoma July 6. C. D. Johnson, of Portland, president of the Pacific Spruce Corporation, was named chairman.
Price controlling under the plan, it was said, would not be carried beyond the point of actual standard cost of production.
Announce Arrival Of A Young Son
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bowe of Los Angeles announce the arrival of a young son, William Edmund Bowre, born at St. Vincent's Hospital, Los Angeles, on June 2. Mr. Bowe is connected with the Termite Investigations Committee and is n'idely known to the lumber trade of California.