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Well, folks, my book of "Nigger" stories, "CULLUD FUN" is on the press. By the first of August it will be in the mail to all its longing purchasers-first ordered, first served. So many friends from everywhere wrote in and said "PRINT IT" that I sent it right to the printer. It will be tastefully printed and attractively bound, and the price will be Two Dollars a Copy.

rn a way I hated a ;r ,r. * "*,"ryor,u has grown so glum of late, and laughs have become so scarce an article, that I hesitate to start everybody giggling for fear of the effect on their neryous systems. Because I'll tell you this much, that if you have a sense of humor and like "Nigger" stories, this book of "CULLUD FUN" will actually knock you kicking. It can't help it.

I love "Nigger" stories, get a world of "kick" out of telling them, and have been specializing in them all my life. I believe I know a good one when I hear it. And for more than 25 years I've been keeping a collection of the best ones that came along. Whenever I heard a nigger story, long or short, that appealed to me as unusually good, it went into my scrap book, just in note form.

Twenty-five years is a long time, and a lot of good stories have come to the mill in that time. But I kept them all. Of late years close friends have been urging me to put them into some sort of understandable forrn to preserve them. They said I had no right to keep this great collection of wit and humor in notation form, for if anything happened to me this greatest collection of stories would be lost, and I ought to put them in shape if only for my family and friends to possess.

Last fall I started turning these stories into typewritten form. At the end of 3 months steady writing I found I had just finished my "Nigger" stories, and that there wer€ enough of them for a fine volume. It occurred to me that this collection would be unique in itself. So I asked my readers for their opinions, and have a stack of letters a foot tall urging me to print them. So the book of strictly colored stories, "CULLUD FUN" is being born.

Of course I know nrr" ,"""; story-books usually are. I've bought scores of them and seldom found a laugh in a carload. Books of funny (?) stories are usually about the saddest things on earth. But I can't help believing that a collection of really wonderful stories, each one picked from a bushel of ordinary ones, and told in the way a story should be told, would be a treasure.

So you can order ,""r:"; i "",rt",rD FUN" right now, and will get it in a short time, hot off the press. But remember, I warned you. Unless you want to laugh your fool head off, don't read it ! If you want to hang on to your scowl and your grouch-stay away frorn "CULLUD FUN" ! Ill guarantee there are a milliori laughs within its covers ! As a matter of fact I'm afraid that if too many people read'it we'd be in a danger of losing this highly prized and well advertised depression ! And wouldn't that be tough?

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