1 minute read
Receiverchip Will Cause No Change in S.les Plans
On June 17 The Celotex Company consented to the appointment of receivers in a suit instituted by MacManus, Incorporated, in the Delaware United States District Court.
The Delaware Court appointed Hobart P. Young and Colin C. Bell receivers for the company, and Mr. Young was appointed ancillary receiver by the Northern Illinois United States Distri'ct Court, Eastern Division. Mr. Young and George ?. Williams were appointed ancillary receivers by the Eastern Louisiana United States District Court, New Orleans Division.
The action was oc,casioned by the fact that the company's working capital has been depleted owing to the reduced volume of business under present conditions. Under the ,court orders the receivers are authorized to continue the operation of the business so that the manufa,cture, sales and trade relations of the company will be maintained without interruption and all Celotex dealers and customers rvill continue to be served by the ,company as they have been in the past.
The Big Gentleman on the left is Mr. Price Cutter, who started out to be the Biggest Man in Price-ville.
"I'll sell lower than anybody elser" he boasted. ttEveryone in town will buy fro:m me."
Poor deluded Mr. Price Cutter! His house of cards tumbled all about him. When he cut prices, the other stores were forced to slash theirs too. Now, everyone in Price-ville is out of work. There is no money in town and Mr. Price Cutter is still cutting prices lower and lower, wondering why the Big Rush of business has never come. t
Pioneer has no place in its dealer organization for price cutters. Pioneerts products are f.afuly priced-lower than at any time for many years-and Pioneer insists that every lumber, building material and hardware dealer who handles this line, sell at a profit
Consumers who buy Pioneer products are willing to pay a fair price for quality merchandise. They know that if a dealer sells at a loss he will soon go broke. They do not want their town to be like Price-ville where every place of business is closed except the pawn shop.
Get behind Pioneer's campaign to t'swat the Ay" in the ointment of todayts business-the Price Cutter!