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JackDiorrne. fu*tistu
lacorporctrd uadcr tbc tqwr 6l Qrlilenlq l. C. Dlour, Prcr. cad lrccr.; l. E. lf,crfa. Vicr-Pra.r ltr. t. Dlccl, Socrctcq' Pub[rb d &r hi od 15|h ol racb uoatl at 3t8-19-m Cgltrcl Bulldlag, lltr Wat Skth Str..i, Lor Aasolor, Ccl- Tobphoao VAadtLo l5BS Eatrrod o Sotod-cls ncttor Srptrnbcr 25, [8, ct thr port-OtEco ci Lor llgdc, Cctilonta, -uder f,ct ol March O, tA79
Subrciption Price, $2.00 per Yecr Siugle Copiee, 25 cents eccb.
How Lumber Looks
Lumber production during the week ended June 21, 1941, was 2 per cent greater than in the previous week; shipments were 4 per cent greater; ner,r business 2 per cent less, according to reports to the National Lumber Manufacturers Association from regional associations covering the operations of representative hardwood and softwood mills.
The ratio of unfilled orders to gross stocks was 43 per cent on lune 21, 1941, compared with 19 per cent a year ago. Unfilled orders were 94 per cent greater than a year ago; gross stocks were 13 per cent less.
During the week ended lune 21, 448 mills produced 262]46,W feet of softwoods and hardwoods combined, shipped 267,1I8,W feet, and booked orders of 3O1,654,000 feet.
Lumber orders reported for the week ended June 21 by 369 softwood mills totaled 8O,624,m feet, shipments were 253,501,000 feet, and production was 25O,72O,000 feet. 93 hardwood mills for the week gave new business as 11,030,000 feet, shipments 13,617,000 feet, and production 11,426.O@ feet.
The Western Pine Association for the week ended June 28, 84 mills reporting, gave orders as 95,744,W feet, shipments 79,&9,0N feet, and production 82,17I,m feet. Orders on hand at the end of the u'eek totaled 420,988,000 feet.
The Southern Pine A.ro.irti-r for the u,eek ended June 28, 126 mills reporting, gave orders as 48,535,000 feet, ship- ments 38,998,000 feet, and Orders on hand at the end of feet.
Advertieing Bcter on f,pplicctiou production 33,678,000 feet. the week totaled 166,516,000
The California Redwood Association reported production of 11 operations for the month of May, I94I, as 39,835,000 feet, shipments 4O,461,000 feet, and orders received 47,L32,ffiO feet. Orders on hand at the end of the month totaled 58,493,000 feet.
Lumber cargo arrivals at Los Angeles Harbor for the week ended July 5 totaled 13,520,000 feet as compared to 21,860,000 feet the previous week.
Sagh and Door \Tholesalers Golf Tournam ent )uly 24
The sash and door wholesalers of Southern California will hold a golf tournament at the Montebello Municipal Golf Course, Thursday afternoon, July 24. The tournament will start at 1:0o p.m. The golf course has been greatly improved and is in fine condition. The clubhouse has also been remodeled.
Dinner will be served in the clubhouse at 6:30 p.m., and will be followed by the presentation of the prizes and cards. The arrangement committee includes Marshall Deats, Orrin Wright and Earl Galbraith. Reservations can be made by calling Earl Galbraith, GLadstone 2814, Los Angeles.