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New Redwood Wall Board on Market
Of much more than passing interest to the lumbermen of California is the announcement that the Natiorial Wall Board Company, of Stockton, Cal., is arranging to go out into the Caiifornia market strong with a heavy production of a brand new type of wall board. The National Wall Board' Company is a subsidiary of The Zellerbach Paper Company, of San Francisco, and that big organization is preparing t-o put its hardest thrust behind this new product, from which they confidently expect wonders.
They have just appointed agents to handle the entire state of California for tliem, in the lumber industry. Hill & Morton, well known wholesalers of San Francisco, h-ave talen the exclusive agency for selling this board to the lumber people in North-ern California, ancl Ecl. Kennedy, Security buiiaing, Los Angeles, has the same type of agency for
Paint Supply For Lumber Dealers
Southern California. Both these agents are already busy with their agency plans, and both are enthusiastic about the new product.
This board is made with a core of Redwood lath, 3-16 inches thick and four feet long, the lath being eovered. on both sides with a heavy wall board paper. A powerful glue cements the lath together, and also the paper to the lath on both sid.es, and the result is what appears to be a very powerful board. Of course, the Redwood center will never rot, which is one of the big assets of the board.
In addition to taking the Northern selling agency, Hill & Morton sold the National WalI Board Company a huge amount of Redwood lumber from which they are making their own lath.
LUMBER YARDS anticipating the sale of PAINT' not as a sideline, but as a leading building material, should first consider a line of paint that is made BY the contracting painter and contracting builder, and FOR the contracting painter and builder.
Our materials are made for the contractor who knows what materialr will do to asrist in eo painting the lumber as to improve itr accept' ability.
YARDS. Will be plcared to rubnit it on requert.