2 minute read


with Ancient Yarding Methodr

In many mills where latest methods and machinery are used in every department of the plant proper, the yard is left to shift with methods a century oldl

Often some device that will aave a Eecond in an opcration or add a cent to profits is adopted in the mill while methode that waste hours and dollars are allowed to continue in the yard.

The Hilke Lumber Piler puts your yarding operations on an efficiency basis. It effects numeroun savingsti m e, labor, expenae, damage to lumber, etc.

You ought to havc catalog and particular:. A llnc will bring thep. MURRY JACOBS CO.


69 Columbia St. SEATTLE lZl Monednoch Bldg, SAN FRANCISCO 7rl,l Audubon Bldgo NEW ORLEANS

Lumber Mills Busy

The lumber industry in the Butte county section is in full swing with 1200 men employed in the camps and mills. Operation of anight shift by one company has brought the average daily cut to 500,000 feet.

Carlisle Sales Company Changes Made

The name of the Carlisle Sales Company, Portland, has been.changed to J. C. Smith Lumber Company. This change took place July 1st. The company will continue to handle the sales of the Carlisle Lumber Company, Onalaska, Wash. The personnel of the company is unaltered.


R. L. Reynolds, sales manager of the Willapa I-umber Company, Portland, has been called East owing to the illness of his father.

Manufacturing Containers A Big Industry

The tremendous clevelopment of the industry of manufacturing boxes, baskets aird crates in which to ship fruits and vegetables is brought out in a survey by the Department of Agriculture, which shows that more than 50O,00O,0OO berry boxes, 30,0@,000 round stave baskets, 30,000,000 hampers, and millions of Climax baskets, till baskets, market baskets, crates and boxes are used annually for this purpose.

Chamberlin Officials Conferat Los Angeles

Mr. W. R. Chamberlin, head of W. R. Chamberlin & Company, Mr. Charles Stetson, manager of their Portland offices, and NIr. J. A. Rea, manager at Los Angeles, had a meeting at Los Angeles on July 23.

Mr. Chamberlin and Mr. Stetson were in the southern city for several .days.

Bigfire At Portland

Portland, July 16.-The heaviest fire loss in years was caused today when fire destroyed the big planing mill and dry kilns of the West Oregon Lumber Company and the sawmill and yards of the Beaver-Linnton Lumber Company at Linnton today. The loss is estimated at $500,000, about evenly divided between the two companies. One employee of the West Oregon company and one fireman were severely burned while fighting the flames. The fire spread so rapidly that 25 automobiles belonging to the employees of the West Oregon Lumber Company were destroyed. Six box cars were also destroyed. Both plants will be rebuilt, it is announced. Mr. E. D. Kingsley, president of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, is president and general manager of the West Oregon Lumber Company.

H. B. Maris Panel Co. Purchases Stocks of California Plywood & Door Co.

H. B'. Maris, manag'er of the H. B. Maris Panel Co., announ-ces that he has purchased the Panel stocks and good- will of the California Plywood and Door Co. The California Plywood and Door Co. operated at 947 Brannan Street, San Francisco, and were the Northern California representatives of the Roddis Veneer & Lumber Co. of Marshfield, Oregon. Mr. Maris states that the purchased Panel stocks will be moved to their Third Street warehouse.

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