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Saw and 416 E. Third St. Knife Agency - Lor Angelee, Cd.
Simonds Saw and Steel Co.
12-14 Natoma St. - San Francirco
Log Tariff
The Tarifi Commission wilt hold a hearing at the Federal Building, Seattle, Washington, August 4, in connection with its investigation oftariff rates on logs offir, spruce_, cedar and Western hemlock, as imposed by Paragraph 'l0l of the Tarifi Act. This hearing will give interested parties an opportunity to present evidence to the Commission in regaid to the differences in the cost of production and other facts.
Mr. Gregory Marshall, formerly with Woodhead, in Los Angeles, is now manager for the Gibson Lumber Company at Brea.
Mr. P. J. Nicolette has severed his connection with the La Brea National Lumber Co., and is now in business for himself, having organized the Beverly Hills Door ComDany at Beverly Hills, Calif. Mr. A. Jacobson has succeeded Mr. Nicolette as office manager and mill superintendent.
Lumberman Dead
Solomon Frost, widely knorvn Oregon and Michigan lumberman. is dead. A brother, W.H. Frost, resides at Long Beach.
Decreases Use Of Lumber
Statistics made public recently, for Los Angeles, show that in the first sif months of this year,79 per cent of-the dwellings builtin Los Angeles proper rvere of stucco construction.