2 minute read
E. J. Stattton & Son
Subrcription Pricc, $2ID p6r Year Single Copicr, 25 ccatr each. LOS ANGELES, CAL., AUGUST
How Lumber Looks
Swgect that you read Mr. Dionne'r editorial "Things Look Better in ttre Northwestr" on page 18, in this issu€. It is the most optimirtic report coming down from the source of tbe Fir supply, in some time, and clearly states some facts that will give the retailer a different angle.
Right at thic moment mill pricer are firm. Operators are holding for their published ratel, especially cutting, and it is tte wholeraler who has the moat to complain of, in his rdes to the next fellow.
To quote rome figrrea: Cutting orders are firm at $17.00 to $l9.OO mill. They have not weakened in some time. Randomr, of various kinds, are still being offered at $15.00 to $16.0O, mill.
A recent nunor, in Southern California, of a prevailing rate of fi.25 for boat charterc was proven unreliable, upon investigation. The large boat operators state that $5.OO is the price, that some charters have gone ar low as $4.5O, in extreme cases, but that this price is not the rule.
Forty-one vessels are tied up, in California, most of ttem at Oahland.
In rpite of this the volume into California will run to pretty good figures for JuIy, Southern California receiving an ap- proximate |25,OOO'OOO feet, from indications on the morning of the 30th. One week at San Pedro witnessed the unloading of thirty million.
One large operator in Los.dngeles reports that tbeir July business will cornpare favorably. with Jure, in tonnage, and that fhe profits will rhow about the same proportion. He rtates that the first week of the montt was very quiet, follorved by two weeks of fair activity, and that the lart huo weeks were again very dull.
Building permitr in Los Angeles will total cloee to fiftecn million dollars, for the month, including one permit for ovcr four million dollars for the new City Hall. The balance ir a very good total, for the mid-summer month, and includcr a gratifying num[er of dwelling and apartment house plans.
The following telegram, received on the 3oth, gives a good idea of conditionr in the Bay Dietrict:
Douglar Fir: (Chicago). The market in the Bay Dirtrict chows very little change. The volume of burine!! continues fair. At the precent time there ere 41 boatr tied up. The carpenterst strike, which has curtailed the demand in the Bay District for the past three months, shows no materid changer.
Nit. 3 Vertical Grain and No. 4 Flooring havc rtrcngthened a little in the part two weekr, with No. 2 Vertical Grain fooring rernaining about the same. Clears, Slash Grain Uppers, and 1 in. and 2 in. Comrnonr rhow no change. Lath, rhingles, and No. 3 Common are not ro rtrong.
MiIl quotation$ are rtronger. The export market ir rcported very good, with a good volume pf businer coming from the ^Atlantic Coast. The Middle West merket is fair. _ (B"il). The rail demand in the interior is fab with the demand in the Bay Dirtrict not very active.
In general, the cargo and rail marketr have chown no radical changer in priceo, with the price rituetion rtill remaining unratirfactory.
Redwood: The demand for cornmonE continues cood. with the rnarket for upperr only fair. Pricer remain fiir" ' California White and Sugar Pine: The pine market showr very little chqnge, The market continues fairly active witb pricee remaining firrn.