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Glras. B. MeGormlck Lunber Go.

Millwork Institute Convention Ready to Open at San Diego

Thursday, August 5th, will mark the opening of the three day Tri-Annual Convention of the Millwork Institute of California, at San Diego.

The San Diego Hotel has been chosen as official headquarters, and from returns already received by ManagingDirector H. T. Didesch, the meeting will be the largest in thd historv)of the Institute.

Many iirteresting features have been arranged, both for the business sessions and for entertainment.

The meeting will open Thursday morning, the banquet is scheduled for the evening of that day, then Friday will be consumed with two more business sessions, the Conventioh formally closing the evening, Saturday will be given ovir to sightseeing and general relaxation.

Billy Glasson is General Chairman of Arrangements.

Mayol John L. Bacon will deliver the key to the city at the fiist'session, and other interesting subjecis to be broright before the members include:

1. Adoption of Uniform Full Mill Bid.

2. Inter-Territorial Relations.

3. Standardized Ledger Accounts.

4. Composite Statements and Index Ratios.

5. Manual of Millwork.

6. Cost of Cut-Up Lights.

7. Cost of Detail Finish.

8. Cost of Moulding Doors.

Dean Johnson Now General Manager Of Pacific Spruce Corporajtion

Dean Johnson is now general manager of the Pacific Spruce Corporation's big operation at Toledo, Ore., taking the place of Frank W. Stevens who has resigned to go into business in Portland. Mr. Johnson has been assistant general manager of the Pacific Spruce Corporation, and is also vice president and a director.

Two Oregon Sawmills Destroyed By Fire

Fire destroyed the sawmill of the Long Pine Lumber Co., located near Bonanza, Ore., July .9. Damage was estimated at $50,000.

The Campbell, Archer & Davis sawmill near Lakeview. Ore., is a complete loss as a result of a fire which was said to have spread from the burner, July 10. The mill had a capacity of 30,000 feet per day.

Bay District Hoo Hoo to HoldAnnual Picnic

G. W. Ftaser

The annual Bay District Hoo-Hoo.picnic will be held at Kendall Dell on Sunday, August 22. Kendall Dell, which is a short distance from Mountain View, is an ideal private picnic and camping grounds. The committee have arranged for a fine program of field events which will be under the supervision of athletic directors from the San Francisco Y. M. C. A. Among the many attractions will be a base-ball game between the East Bay and San Francisco Hoo-Hoo. During the afternoon and evening, there will be dancing with music furnished by an excellent orchestra. Appropriate prizes will be awarded to the winners of all events. 'Watch for the posters which will have a detailed list of the enteitainment program and field events. The picnic is generally the largest attended Hoo-Hoo event of the year, and tlre committee are going to make this year's event bigger and better thai ever.

Portland And Seattle Permits For First Half Of 1926

Portland's building permits for the first half of 1926 amounted to $I7,257,075, being a 24 per cent reduction from last year's comparable figure.

Seattle's total for the first six months of this year was $18,330,470, a 1 per cent reduction from the 1925 figures of the same period.

June permits were $2,879,180 for Portland and $2,670,380 for Seattle.

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