1 minute read
Bookstaver-Burns Lumber Company Makes Its Bow
B. ll/. Boohstaaer
The month of July marked the appearance ot a new wholesale lumber concern in Los Angeles, with the openlng o{ the Bookstaver-Burns Lumber eompany, a new California corporation
The two leading lights of the company need no introduction and their accompanying photographs are about all that is necessary to print about them, personally. "Book" and "Bob" are well known, well liked, well versed in the wholesale game, and are well fitted to hit the Southern California market and make good.
They incorporated just recently, adopting the name "Bookstaver-Burns," and have opened main offices in the new Chamber of Commerce Building.
Then at Seattle thev will maintain offices. under the direction of Mr. Roger Jiyne. These offices are itt the WhiteI{enry-Stuart Blig.
The Company will offer a complete cargo service, operat- ing the S.S. Freeman Steamship Company's vessels.
They have the exclusive cargo sales rights for the state, on the well known brand of Eclipse Flooring, and are Southern California representatives ?or the CroJsett Western Company, Wauna,- Oregon.
Then they will handle considerable stocks from these mills: Stimson Timber Company, p.uget Sound Saw Mills &, Shingle C_omp1ny, Seattlb Mitt t Logging Company, Washrngton Lumber & Spar Company and the Snoqualmie Falls Lumber Company.
"Book" has been in the lumber game, in California, for over- fifteen years. He started when he was a kid, in the northern part of the state, and there is probably noi a better known and more universally liked iellow in the game in the^st?te.- .Especially among the younger crowd. "
L. G. (Bob) Burns has been- associatedwith Mr. Bookstaver for f-our years and is thoroughly experienced in all branches of the wholesale game. -He traj gone through themill, is an experienced buyer, and has sold-in both enlds of the state.
More power to them.
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