1 minute read
The Booth-Kelly Lumber Co.
with a box of California Panel Company cigars and'some advertising pencils. He was so busy spreading propaganda he did not play in the tournament
Aside froh the snappy 82 turned in by Frances Boyd, of Santa Barbara, there were no phenomenal scores registered, in spite of the fact that the distinguished list contained names like Frank Burnaby, Gus Hoover, Cappy Slade, Roy Stanton, Leo Rosenberg, and Frank Haris.
R. T. Gheen led the singing at the evening Stag banquet. It was a jolly crowd at dihner, with a lot of fun.
Heqe are the prize winners:
F'rances Boyd, 82 gross, Jack Dionne Cup.
Walter Riley, 99-8-71, Joe Chapman Cup.
Gus Hoover,89-12-77, First Prize, First Flight.
Cappy Slade, 87-8-79, Second Prize, First Flight.
(Continued on Page 14)