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Douglas Fi.r Facts (EY e{ No. 2 }o
Douglas Fir is practically impervious to water, holds nails firmly, is strong, takes stains well in any shade or color, and combines beauty, utility and durability.
Edge Qrain
Rift sawed or edge grain stock is most serviceable. The amount of edge grain stock produced in Douglas Fir is many times that obtainable in any other wood.
Sl;r,cl<pd'W itlnut Srrcking
Douglas Fir timbers may be stacked solid for storage; being practically all heart, no harm results.
Long-Bell dry kilns at Longview, Wash., are of the latest design, having the largest capacity in the Pacific Northwest, and the kiln drying is scientifically controllep, which assures properly cured lumber.
Sraighr Dimension
LongBell trade-marked Douglas Fir dimension stays straight, and flooring, ceiling and siding do not have to be fcrrced to make tight joints.
Douglas Fir is suitable for a greater variety of uses than any other wood.
Long-Bell Douglas Fir lumber and timbers are trade-marked as identification of unusual thoroughness in manufacture -plus more than fifty years' experience as lumbermen. g[te?"r
Best Maule Now With Graves
Mr. E. R. Maule, Los Angeles, is now with the Frank Graves organization, in Los Angeles, in an important executive capacity.
Mr. Maule recently resigned from the Cadwallader Gibson Company, and 'becami identified with Frank Graves on July 1. Before assuming his active duties, however, he is enjoying a month's vacation, and rvill take up his new work on August 1.

Bert is one of the best known mill men in the state, and is prominent in the Millwork Institute of California as .ivell as the Western Planing Mill Association.
Chicago, July l5.-Relief for tall men from short beds, low ceilings, short Pullman berths, short bath tubs and other inconveniences is in sight, says Benjamin Ostlind of Marshfield, Ore., a visiting Elk, who stands six feet four.
Oslind, a prosperous lumberman, ascertained that there were more than two million six-footers-plus in the United States, organized and became the president of the Tall Men's Association, and then began spieading a,,tall,' propa- ganda.
- Through the.organization's efiorts Oslind said, hotels throughout the country have taken cognizance of the needs of taller men. One hotel has an entiie floor built for tall men.
.While in the "Windy City" to attend the Elks Corven_ !i.o1, Ben took a few minutis off to tell some of the boys of the trials and tribulations that the ..tall bovs', have io contend with in their travels. Ben is one of ihe popular West Coast lumbermen and operates the Coos V&eer & Box Co. at Marshfield, Oregon.-
Wes-Co Blower and Pipe Co. Now Installing New Exhaust and Blower Syetem
Many electric driven planing mills in California are now having installed something nerv in the way of an exhaust and blower system, rvhere they have tlvelve to fifteen machines in their plant.
When operating, the waste from one-third of these machines is sawdust, while the balance is shavings. There being a market for sawdust, but no sale for shaving, it has been necessary to collect the sawdust by hand, or install a separate blower system to take care of it, but with the new system, it is proposed to direct connect all machines to one exhaust fan system, and to separate the sawdust from the shavings at the shaving bin, which is done with a sawdust separating dust arrester. 'fhis equipment is manufactured and erected by the Wes-Co Blorver and Pipe Company of Oakland, Cal., another Pacific Coast product for California industrial plants.
Forest Fires In Northwest Worst In Years
The forest fire situation in Washington and Oregon is very serious, and is said to be the worst in years. Deer Island Logging Co., Deer Island, Ore., lost its entire camp, including 10 donkeys and 5,000,000 feet of down logs. Damage amounting to $200,000 was done in the workings of the Yeomans Lumber Co. at Pe Ell, Wash. Several million feet of logs, nine donkeys and other equipment were destroyed. Many of the fires have b,een started by lightning. About 500 men were required to fight fires in the Colville National Forest in Washington and the Chelan National Forest in Washington used 40O fire fighters.