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Normah Vincent, Chas. Nelson Co., San Francisco, left for Seattle about the middle of the month on company husiness matters. He will visit the comDanv mills at Mukilteo and Port Angeles, Washington, and also make a survey of lumber conditions at the mills. He will return to San Francisco about the first of the month.

Henry Wills A San Francisco Visitor

Henry Wills. Central Lumber Co., Gilroy. was a recent Bav District visitor, where he spent a few days attending to business matters and callinq on the trade. He states that lumber and building conditions in his section are satisfactory.

Henry says that they will ha.ve a big bunch of lumbermen from his locality attend the Hoo-Hoo,picnic on August 22 at Kendall Del, and as the event falls on his birttrday he expects to make a big day of it.

Floyd Elliott In Southern California

Floyd Elliott, Bay District representative for the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., together with Mrs. Elliott and their two children, are spending their vacation touring Southern California. He attended the rodeo at Salinas on Sat,urday, July 24, thence journeyed south making stops at Santa Barbara, Los Angeles. Coronado, and San Diego. Floyd will be back on his territory again after the first-of the month.

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