2 minute read
The Institution That Guarantees ruNW Asphalt RO O FING
FOUNDED over z, years ago, the plant of the Los Angeles Paper Man' ufacturing Co. now covers several acres and reprisents an investment of more than f,t,5oo,ooo. It includes the lar' gest felt mill on the Pacific Coasg a Ioofing mill with a capacity of over 9,ooo iolls of roofing per day, extensive warehoirses, stock rooms and trackage.
FOR homes, business or industrial buildings -fot {ry VPe of construc- iie11-there is a grade of El Rey Asphalt Roofing to meet every requirement of price and quality. High gade E[ Rey Asphalt Shingles are now available. And the Los Angeles Paper Manufacturing Co., with resources which make it one of the largest concerns of its kind in the country' sands squarely behind your tecommendation 'of El Rey Asphalt Roofing to your customers.
G. B. MoGill, Fischer Bros. Lumber Co., Eugene, Oregon, was a recent visitor in San Francisco where he spent several days visiting with the lumber trade and looking over market conditions. He also spent a few days in the Sacramento Valley calling on the retail dealers of Sacramento and vicin- ity. His concern represents the Fischer Lumber Co., Carl E. Fischer Lumber Co., Fischer-Soults Lumber Co., Penn Lumber Co., Glendale Mills, and Noti Lumber Co.. all of these mill operations being located in Oregon.
L. A. Morrison, San Francisco, California manager of the Eastern & Western Lumber Co., is in the Northwest where he will visit the company's mill operations at Portland, Oregon, and also spend his vacation touring through the Northwest. His itinerary will include stops at Seattle-, Vancouver, Banff, Lake Louise, Victoria and other points on Vancouver Island.
Earl Ca!!son, representative in the San Joaquin Valley and Coast Territory for the Santa Fe Lumber Co., is spend- ing his vacation near Redding. He will meet Mrs. Carlson and their two children who have been visiting Mrs. Carlson's folks there for the past month. Earl will be back on the job again around the first of the month.
Lloyd Harris Spends Vacation At Yosemite
Lloyd Harris, Holmes-Eureka Lumber Co., has returned from Yosemite where he spent his summer vacation. Llovd reports that the Yosemite is a wonderful and pictures,que spot and that he enjoyed his vacation there very much.-
orsan printed by the Upson Company, Lockport, New York, carried a very interesting editorial by W. H. Upton, Jr.
rhe rast issue
Linder the heading, "Fire-Proof?" Mr. Upson had this to say:
"fs there any material that is fire-proof?
"Is steel fire-proof? Is concrete? Is plaster? If they are-why is it that fire can oftentimes reduce so-called "fire-proof" buildings, constructed of these ,materials, into twisted and cracked masses of ruins?
"There is increasing prejudice everywhere against the promiscuous and misleading use of the term "fire-proof.
"For instance, the Building Construction Committee of the National Fire Protection Association has made the following recommendation :
"To discontinue the use of the term 'Fire-Proof.'
"To quots-'This general term has been erroneously applied to buildings and materials of a more or less fireresistive or incombustible nature.'
"'Its indiscriminate use has produced ,much misunderstanding and has often engendired a feeling .of security entirely unwarranted.'
"Any manufacturer who advertises his product as 'fireproof' without any limitations mtrst answer these two serlous questrons:
"l-fs he not guilty of misrepresentation?
"2-Is he not jeopardizing the lives of thousands of people whg falsely believe that they are secure from fire hazard?
"Are you giving your customers a square deal if you recom_mend any building material as being absolutely 'fireproof?'"