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6812 Sa,nta Monica Boulevand GRanite


Pordand, Oregon

Car and Cargo ShiPnlents


Ships-S. S. Robert Johnson, S. S. C. D. Johnson III. Speci*Old Growth Yellow Fir and Sitka Spruce sales offices: ffittrfff; !:: #ii:circo, car.

Interesting Panel Display

"How may I have such beautiful interior finish in my own home?" was the universal question asked by women visitors at the recent Lumber and Forestrv Exhi5it of the West Coast Lumber Trade Extension Buieau, held in the auditorium of Frederick & Nelson's department store, Seattle. Visitors from twenty-four states and three foreign countries were among the many who attended the exhib'it.

For the first thing which atiracted their attention was the display of large Douglas fir plywood panels, beautifullv hnrshed rn a great variety of colors which would harmonizc with any interior scheme of decoration. These panels hacl been stained by 1 special process, in colors graded fronr the softness- of "oyster" and "driftwood', giays to the richness of forest greens and browns.

Th" great size oJ the panels, lrom 24 by 48 to 4g by 96 inches, also caught the a?tention of spectaiors. They riere surprised to learn that single sheets -of wood of such size may be cut from the large Douglas fir trees.


Portland, Ore., June lO.-samples of Douglas fir lumber, rnanufacttured by West Coast Lumbermen,s as,sociation mills will be on display at the centennial exposition at phila_ (leti)hra, rt was announced yesterday. L. A. Nelson, district manager of the association's portland office, is pieparing the exhibit at the request of the department of .o*rier"..'

The exhibit will include samples of Douglas fir 2 x 4.s, I * 9., 1.x 8.shiplap,.lx_6 drop-siding. 1 x f vertical grain flo-oring. I x 4 flat grain flooring, s-S-inctr ceilirg and vaiious c'ther samples.

Each simple-will bear the stamp of the association, de- scribing what the sample is, its grade ancl also the asiocla- tion number of the mlll manufa-cturins it.

'I'his display, it is considered by asJociatior lumbermen,

Mills: PUGET SOUND rvil! give exposition visitors a comprehensive idea of the high quality of Douglas fir lumber for structural purposes, '.vorld demand for which is constantly increasing.

Big Tree Named for Governor Richardson

Another one of the big trees in the Santa Cruz grove of Giant Sequoias has received a name, after waiting something like 5000 years for its christening. At the suggestion of Dario Simoni, guide of the Big Tree Grove, the tree was named for Governor Friend W. Richardson, who recently visited the grove with the members of the National Editorial Association.

Portland Mill Has Narrow Escape From Fire

Clark & Wilson Lumber Company's plant at Linnton, Or,e.,,narrowly missed destruction July 18, when fire did $2.5,000 damage to the boiler house and building. Prompt action by the fire department and mill employees preverted the blaze from spreading.

Hervey Bowles Spends Month In San Francisco

Hervey Bor,vles, in charge of the Los Angeles office of the Irong-Bell Lumber Co., spent the month of July in San Francisco, where he was in charge of the company's San Francisco office. During his absence from I-os Angeles, Clint Laughlin, manager of the Long-Bell San Francisco oflice, was looking after the company interests in the Southern California territory.

General Offces: SE,ATTLE

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